FA Vet looking for a full time PvX guild

FA Vet looking for a full time PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: YurSlave.7853


Im looking for a strong PvX guild that would be willing to admit a FA vet into their ranks. My guild, which formed during the head start weekend, died recently and this game just isn’t the same. My main focus is PvE content, so im mostly looking for people to do end game content with such as dungeon runs and high level fotm. I dabble in Wv3 (rank 10) and PvP (rank 18) as a solo roamer, but would be highly open to joining small raiding groups in Wv3 or doing structured TPvP if available. I consider myself a fairly strong player, but hey who am I to say that, find out for yourself. See you ingame.

Azrael Shadowborn
Lv 80 Thief (main)

Raego Fellhammer
Lv 80 Warrior

Virtyes Moonlight
Lv 80 Mesmer

Elessar Darkfall
Lv 38 Elementalist

FA Vet looking for a full time PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Newbkakes.4971


Hey there! Feel free to take a look at our forum post:

~20 on at any given time so there’s always a group to be found.

See you on the battlefield!

Wipin zergs since 2012
Former Too Kitten [BÆST] leader/founder
[TBT] The Black Tides since ’14