FC looking to transfer
SoS is a great community. Very skilled players and very dedicated to their WvW. I recently transferred off SoS to JQ, but that was due to the mismatched fights against Tarnished Coast. Now that SoS faces servers it’s own size, I’d expect you not to have any issues.
Their NA is definitely weak at the moment, but it’s growing stronger with the addition of [Agg] and soon to be [vH].
Their biggest asset right now is their Oceanic crew, who do an amazing job.
FC have more then 2 commander, just depends when u play! and also we get stomped because of our matchup!!! DH t5-4…
and also we are rebuilding fc to get more coverage!!!
[BOW] co-leader
I can suggest some guilds depending on when you play, if you choose SoS.
In NA:
SoV and Fang are technically PvX, but always have people in WvW. BANE has proven to be enthusiastic WvWrs. There are some small ops groups (HLX, ENVY, FIRE) that are great and fun to work with. GoD and GotM also do a lot of WvW.
If you are in the Oceanic/SEA timeslots you probably want to talk to TS or AoA
AGG hasn’t engaged the broader community, preferring to do their own thing (but they are awesome in open-field fights).
I don’t know about vH yet, they’ll be joining us on Thursday.
Apologies to any other guilds I might have forgotten.
Yeah and then they coordinate a double team on DH in EB and one player on FC stands up and says that they dont feel that is right and the person was kicked from their guild sounds like a bunch of stand up guys over on FC just throwing it out there check out DH I can talk to my guild and see if we can get you in.
I love JQ the community the tenacity overall a great community, with very few issues, (none currently except weak EU and Oceanic) our few issues just tend to become public domain. Even when my guildies have left the server (Early on when I stepped down as AoS lead)I choose to stay strictly on the basis of community, so I found a new guild and when people left to go to DB I choose to stay again on the basis of the community is amazing. Those leaving ended up being the issue of the community so in the end they only made us stronger.
The guild I am in currently recruiting active WvWers so if you make it to JQ feel free to drop me a line. Depending on the time of day we do all the things you are looking for. We have rebuilt and restructured after the departure of our former leader and are once again a powerful guild on JQ.
I have heard good things about the SoS community but being as how I haven’t competed against them since their drop from tier 1, nor do I know anyone on the server I can’t give you anything concrete.
What? I love the Commander Lukian/Hitler videos. How could you transfer away from that? FC should use those videos for recruitment!
NA player, experienced, two level 80s, looking to transfer to heavily oriented WvW guild in a new server.
Variety. Zerging, Skirmishes, a bit of roaming. I like to do it all.
Tired of getting completely stomped in FC, and FC really only has one or two commanders that even understand WvW…so looking for a change of pace on that, too.
Also, been hearing good things about SoS community. Is it still like that?
I highly recommend Os on NSP. Whisper “I Cant Stop” and tell him Beer sent you. Those guys are a ton of fun to play with, be it roaming, zerging, trolling, whatever.
PB Officer
Are there big queues on SoS, NSP, and the others?
Are there big queues on SoS, NSP, and the others?
And is team speak used?
SoS has server-wide teamspeak which is used really well.
There can be a short queue some nights during oceanic time for EB but rarely for borderlands. One of our NA people like Luvpie can comment on the NA.
Queues on SoS during NA are the exception rather than the rule. Outside of reset I find myself in queue maybe once a week and it’s usually less than 15 minutes. I do know we often have queues on the home borderland during reset if you’re not quick to get into WvW right when it resets. But since I’m really good at spamming F I can’t tell you how long they might be.
(edited by Cosmic Sparklejunk.3514)
Are there big queues on SoS, NSP, and the others?
Not on NSP. Only queue is on reset on our bl and eb. the longest Ive waited was 20 mins. it was torture!
PB Officer
SoS in NA rarely has queues outside of Friday night (never very long) and our TS is well-laid out.
Go ahead and PM me here or in-game for details and I can get you in touch with the right people/guilds.
Thought Ferguson’s Crossing was upping their game. Bad commanders just get frustrated and quit or they get good, haha.
Sea of Sorrows hasn’t had many better balanced matchups than you guys (http://mos.millenium.org/servers/history/37). I get the impression as you approach tier 1, the population differences between the tiers only gets worse.
Come to IOJ we would love to have you guys
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
come to IoJ! We always welcome newcomers with open arms and cookies
More like stay in Ferg, kitten it all. Not everyone here is some sort of clueless mook or hater. I’m also getting real bloody SICK of losing manpower faster than hemophiliacs lose blood.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Ok so darkhaven rarely has ques other then in EB which is not a long que. Also I have spoken with the guild leader and you would be more then welcome to join SE also have a public teamspeak and a teamspeak for SE. AS I believe we have already talked in game just hit me up if you happen to pick darkhaven.
Ferg does “the Little Engine That Could”really well, but that got really old months ago.