Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chief.5928


Community details:
Name: The Conclave, or [CC] for short.
Realm we play on: Far Shiverpeaks
Total size: 230+ Members worldwide, but closely knit. We are not a community where you are just a number.
Size of our GW2 group: Currently around 42 players
Setup: International, currently spanning 15+ different nationalities mostly from Europe and North America.
Community leadership: A group of 3 people with a combined experience in gaming and communities of 50 years.

Community media:
Website: http://www.conclave.cc
Dedicated Teamspeak 3 server: ts.conclave.cc, password = [Ask me in a PM for the details]

The Conclave is an international multi gaming community that has existed for more than 10 years (it was founded on the 7th of July 2002) and currently comprises 230+ Members worldwide participating in a variety of games. Our Guild Wars 2 section is being lead by two Guild Wars 1 veterans who live/breathe/sleep GW2, has many additional Guild Wars 1 veterans playing as a part of it and is currently spanning 42 Members in total size.

Community goals:
1. To have fun in a social environment where people can contribute, each at his or her own level based on individual time constraints, ability etc.
2. To facilitate people of any type, be they casual or hardcore players. To this end we have assigned people to the various aspects of the game (PvE, PvP etc) to make sure we run a smooth operation.
3. To maintain the atmosphere we have had since our founding where nothing is mandatory and everything is possible: Guild Missions (We have unlocked all types), PvE dungeon runs, WvWvW, sPvP etc.
4. To listen to Member input and, within reasonable practical limits, implement these ideas and suggestions into our community for the benefit of all.

Community activities:
1. Weekly Guild mission events (we have unlocked all types of missions)
2. Regular dungeon runs, both story and explorer modes.
3. Dedicated sPvP team as well as spontaneously organized PvP events
4. Dedicated WvWvW group
5. Other events such as teaching how to do jumping puzzles, screenshot competitions with various themes or subjects etc

Community setup:
1. We have various dedicated people in charge of the different aspects of GW2, be this PvE dungeon runs, vista or jumping challenges, WvWvW PvP etc.

2. We have no age restrictions. We’d rather have a mature 13 year old than a whiny 40 year old dramaqueen. In short, we judge people by how they behave.

3. We have no time constraints or demands, so in short we don’t expect you to be online 24/7. We totally understand that you may have other hobbies, work, friends and family to dedicate time to. You contribute what you can based on your individual situation.

4. We adhere a lot of value to Member input. As a result we highly value people communicating and contributing through Teamspeak (meetings to decide the future of the Guild), the forum (topics, polls etc) or other means outside of the game (Facebook, Twitter). Again, based on how much time you want and can spend on it.

If you have any questions etc just let me know, as I’ll be more than happy to answer them. Or just drop by on our TS server so we can have a bit of a chat (PM me for the password if you want to drop by).

[CC]Chief, founder of The Conclave

(edited by Chief.5928)

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alastrina.9685


I’m trying out for these guys at the moment and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a guild.

There are really nice bunch of people and there are always enough people online to suit whatever style of play you prefer.

As Cheif says in his post there’s a real sense of community with very active forums, TS, guild chat.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chief.5928


Nice to hear you’re enjoying yourself so much Alastrina. I have to say, you’ve been around for only a short while but you’re a perfect addition to our community in terms of your mentality and attitude

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tomitibbs.5831


Hello, just wanted to say that I’ve been with this guild for almost a year now, and can honestly say that it is the single best community I’ve ever been a part of in any online game.

The people are all friendly, mature, helpful and have a great sense of humor.
Between the active forums, Teamspeak, organized guild events, competitions, multiple Conclave guilds for different games, RL meets and active Guild Wars 2 roster, it’s hard to find yourself bored or stuck for something to do.

I can honestly say that due to the welcoming atmosphere and amount of effort put into keeping the community thriving (not only by the leaders and officers, but by all members as a whole), I can see myself being a part of this amazing guild for many years to come.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xanthos.1574


Been a member for quite some time now and find myself returning to the game again after some while because of the relaxed community we have.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Requiem.3056


Lorekeep, experienced thief looking for a |dedicated| PvP guild.

Possibly with PvE or WvW on the side But mainoly looking for a fixed PvP
PvP Tournaments team

I have 14 years experience in PvP|PK | since’98 Ultima Online| and PvE raiding. I played GW2 since launch in the guild EMOA, a respected dedicated guild. But left for half a year and now came back to dedicated myself to PvP mainly

Using a dagger/pistol/shortbow build with extreme mobility, good damage and defense.

Future goals : Advice to better my PvP, playing PvP in a fixed team, doing tournaments and winning.

I work halftime |2 days a week| so expect a DEDICATED player.

/w me for a talk for any information, questions or just to say hello!

Thank you.

| Lorekeep. Thief. Keeper of Shadows |
| Far Shiverpeaks Server |

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chief.5928


Hello Requiem and welcome to our topic on the official GW2 recruitment section. I’ll try to get in touch with you this evening so we can discuss the ins and outs of what you seek and what we have to offer

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: keln.6051


I’ve been around with this guild for only a few days and I already feel part of the community, I really suggest that if you’re new on Far Shiverpeaks you try these guys out, may not be the biggest guild but can feel at home here, well I do.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chief.5928


I have to say Keln, you’ve only been around for a week or so but you’re already highly integrated into the community. Just wanted to say that it’s nice to have yet another active forum/Teamspeak/ingame participant in our community

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: varsh.6374


After coming from a former active and friendly guild that no longer played GW2 I decided to find a new home and almost a year now I’ve been with CC and it’s been nothing but a barrel of laughs, fun, and truly a great community. There are always people online and when asked they do help.

It’s a multi-gaming community too so it’s very easy to get to know others across other games. No matter who you are you’ll love this guild.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cutie.4123


I only joined recently to both guildwars and this guild. Coming from aion I already knew a few people playing here, and I can only say try it! It’s a merry bunch of friendly people that always stand ready to help and play with each other, and have a good laugh with while doing so.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tangplante.7458


Hey Cutie
I am very glad that you were persuaded to join us by your [insert adjective here] Aion friends Seeing as you are active in game, on our forums and TS you make a fine addition especially seeing as you are a nice and friendly person.

Now to me, I am Cathy which says everything right?
I have been in [CC] for almost 9 months now which I really don’t understand. In some ways it feels like I joined yesterday and in other ways I feel like I have known some of these people for years. I could go on and on about what the guild means to me but that would become way too touchy feely for the thing I am about to say

About 6 months ago I agreed to take over as ambassador of the guild and thus I have that honour and joy as we usually don’t have any drama in the guild. People here are among the most friendly and helpful that I ever met Add to it that we have conversations ranging from serious stuff to the most silly thing you have ever heard.

The guild is still active and doing events during the week some random and some planned which can be found in the calendar on our forums.

The only things left for me to say is that we are always recruiting so if you are interested sign up on our forums and join us, it is really that easy. If you have any questions about us feel free to ask me here or in game and I will do my best to answer

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: BenHarm.8261


I joined this guild recently and I quite like it here, its a guild with a lot of friendly people who always want to help out, this guild definatly made GW2 more fun for me

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tangplante.7458


Hello BenHarm
Seeing as you have been here a while now I can honestly say that you fit in nicely with us. One of the greatest things to see though is that you set up events for things you would like to do, in this case story dungeons. Of course the fact that you register for events and use TS makes me even happier, as I was saying you fit in great

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Starduster.9746


Hey everyone my name is Starduster and as you may notice a member of the Conclave

It’s been a respectable amount of time since I joined the Guild in hope to have more people to enjoy the game with and I got all that and more

Everyone is friendly and you will never feel out of place. We have a large number of events going on here and there ranging from dungeons to guild missions. There has also been the odd game of Hide and Seek

So if you want a guild where you can have fun without having to commit any set amount of time then you might just have found the right Guild.

Maybe I’ll see you in-game now

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tangplante.7458


Starduster you made a very nice post thank you.
And yes you have indeed been here a respectable amount of time. You are always a pleasant person to have online and active in guild chat and I guess we may see you on TS a bit more in the future now that you have a working mic.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tangplante.7458


At the moment we have 4 different weekly events and in some weeks we have more.

Monday evening starting on Monday we will be doing jumping puzzles for one hour.
Thursday Evening we try to do a weekly fractal run. The level of the fractal depends on the people there.
Friday evening we now have a sPvP event.
Sunday evening we do guild missions.

Add to it that some weeks we have events just meant to be fun or social. For example this Saturday we are either doing some killing in Orr or some WvW. We will see, it depends on what we feel the most like doing.

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chief.5928


Hello everyone. First of all I’d like to say cheers for these nice responses. It’s awesome to hear that what we are working on is suiting you so well and gives you fun at playing the game in a nice social setting.

Secondly I’d like to stress that the Conclave is always looking for more people who enjoy a social and teamspirited community to play GW2 along likeminded people

So sign up at www.conclave.cc, you won’t be disappointed!

Far Shiverpeaks (EU), The Conclave, PvX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tangplante.7458


As Chief just said we are always looking for people especially people who just likes to have fun.

On Tuesday our guild’s next competition starts this time we will ve playing hide and seek during 5 rounds in the main cities. What I just said means that now would be a great time for joining us as you would be able to participate and meet us at a casual and hopefully fun activity.

If you are interested in joining our community and guild just sign up on www.conclave.cc if you have any questions feel free to ask me.