Far Shiverpeaks, looking for guild
Hey i’m the leader of a new guild that i just founded for GW2 and Destiny and we are aiming to enjoy everything that each game has to offer so you can do anything that you would like. All we ask is that you’re respectful and to keep in mind that this is really new and therefore has very few members, so if you would like to help build this guild up and have fun then this is the place for you. Just fyi we are Blood Wolf Pack and we are currently on the Yak’s Bend server. Messafe me on here if you would like new information
hey Keln, though not from the Far Shiverpeaks I’d love to tell you about my multi-server guild:
please consider us, and good luck at finding a guild to call your own!
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
Hello keln,
We’re a medium size EU international community hosted on the Far Shiverpeaks server, with the spoken language being English. Our maximum capacity is 70, spending a lot of time refining our community so we consist entirely of active & regular players.
We have a website & TeamSpeak3 server which are integral to the community, & I can say with great confidence that we wouldn’t be here today without them.
Our requirements:
- Players of the Guild Wars 2 Community to preferably be aged 18+
- Players of our Guild are to represent us at all times*
- *Exceptions can be made given good reason, such as if you have a guild just for your irl friends, guild for bank storage & SPvP Team guilds.
- Players are to register on our website & make an application when looking to be recruited.
- All new recruits have a sit down & chat session with an Officer or the Leader of the Guild so we can get a character reference.
- It is preferable that our members have TeamSpeak3 installed & are willing to use it.
You can read up a bit more about us here.
And here’s a video we upload of the community completing a guild puzzle together to give you an incite to what we’re like: Click here.
If you have any questions regarding our community, by all means send me an e-mail on our website: Contact me.