Fey guard [fg] | fissure of woe | pve guild

Fey guard [fg] | fissure of woe | pve guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blingbro.6591


HI ! we’re a (very new) guild looking to form a friendly community for PvE, we accept all lvls.

If you have HoT or not will (of course) not matter.

When it comes to playtime we’re casual, I’d very much prefer it if we have guild chat be family friendly (we don’t know what other guild members opinions on that kinda thing is) and I think the most planned events would be things like guildhalls (and not very well planned at that).
Everything else will be relaxed.

If you have any inquires or just want an invite feel free to msg or mail me in-game (mail and msg to blingbro)

(edited by Blingbro.6591)

Fey guard [fg] | fissure of woe | pve guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blingbro.6591


bumping to make sure this won’t be lost in a sea of forum posts again :P