[GJWM], EU, FotM + Raids

[GJWM], EU, FotM + Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: BrunoGMC.1867


EU, FotM + Raids, [GJWM] Great Jungle Wurmicidal Maniacs
Current guild level: 10

If you’re looking for some raw, pure gameplay, you’ve come to the right place.

Our guild ranks:

  1. Commander
  2. Ascendant
  3. Tactician
  4. Titan
  5. Spartan
  6. Cupcake
  7. Unknown
  8. Suspicious Bush
  9. Digested Ally

Notes concerning our guild ranks:

  • Unknown: Upon acceptance to join us, you will automatically be placed in this rank. Don’t worry, because you should be relocated to another within seconds.
  • Cupcake: You will start your guild journey here. To get promoted to Spartan be sure you attend our guild banquets!
  • Ascendant: Your primary aim is to achieve this rank. This is your highest reachable rank.
  • Suspicious Bush: Somewhere deep in the jungle lies a suspicious bush, known for unexplained disappearances… If you become offline for over a month, you’ll be temporarily (we hope!) relocated to this rank. As soon as you find a way out, give us a sign you’re alive and claim your previous rank.
  • Digested Ally: Want to be a part of [GJWM], but don’t want to commit? This is for you! No representation required.

No matter what rank you have, you can always ask for our help!


  • Successfully reach higher ranks with effort, skill, and courage.
  • Mind-blowing, a**-kicking schedule section: Do you wish to keep up to date with our activities’ schedule? Just check this section periodically.
  • Eyeball-popping information section: Every change implemented will be listed in this section.
  • Out of the oven section: Please welcome our fresh cupcakes!
    Important message from this section (shown in the Message of the Day):
    Sweeter than a pot o’ gold… Why should I care about them? Are they nutritious? Will my dog enjoy them? Well, we can’t promise to answer all of those questions… Be helpful and I’m sure they will taste delicious.

A list of some of our activities:

  • Guild fractal runs (any level!)
  • Guild raid runs
  • Guild PvE missions
  • Guild banquets at unusual locations
  • Guild hide ‘n’ seek
  • Guild world boss train
  • Guild dungeon runs

Guild Hall:
Explore GJWM’s Guilded Hallow: a place to call your own.

If I convinced you to join us or you still want to clarify something, whisper/mail me in-game (Roy Maverick) or message me here.

Clear the coast and the swamp of great jungle wurm attacks.


Great Jungle Wurmicidal Maniacs [GJWM]
Commander Roy Maverick

(edited by BrunoGMC.1867)

[GJWM], EU, FotM + Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: BrunoGMC.1867


We are currently forming our first guild raid team, using the guild’s interface.
As we can only form PvP teams (5 members each) for now, we created 2 teams (= 1 raid team):

  • Team 1: Vale Guardian Maniacs A
  • Team 2: Vale Guardian Maniacs B

If I convinced you to join us or you still want to clarify something, whisper/mail me in-game (Roy Maverick) or message me here.

Clear the coast and the swamp of great jungle wurm attacks.


Great Jungle Wurmicidal Maniacs [GJWM]
Commander Roy Maverick