GW1 Vet LF Guild
hi there
we would like to count you in our ranks,see our site and forum and apply when you can,PM me here or in game to Balor O Suilamhain ,we have site/forum and ventrillo
and daily fractal runs and weekend guild missions
we are the answer to the trend in the guilds now where your level and gear count more than you do,we are in Ring of Fire
For the vanguard
Hey Tim,
My name’s Foop. I represent the guild Vicarious. Vicarious has been around long before the launch of Guild Wars 2, but dedicated ourselves to being a Guild Wars 2 guild once it was released. Our main priority in Vicarious is ensuring that we’re playing with friends, not just gamers. After reading your story on losing some online friends, but really wanting to get to know the people that you’re playing with, I honestly believe that Vicarious might be the right guild for you. We’re a smaller guild, but like to get to know each of our members well.
We’ve just recently opened our doors up to new members again, so if you are thinking about joining, this would be the perfect time! We use mumble to communicate, and expect to see each of our members on a fairly regular basis.
Feel free to check out our website at and click “Enlist Here!” if you think you might like to join us. Additionally, feel free to send me a PM, reply to this post, or even mail me in game if you have any questions first. I’d be glad to help answer them for you!
Really looking forward to hearing you on mumble, getting to know you, and playing with you in game!
Check your PMs
Greetings Tim,
My guild is called The Gryphons Aerie and we’re a smallish, bordering medium sized, social, 18+ PvE/RP family on Tarnished Coast. Some of us also enjoy knocking some heads in WvsW and a touch of sPvP. Knowledge of and/ or participation in RP is not required. We’ll teach you if you want to learn, but there’s no pressure.
We know that RL comes first and stress that fact. We’ll still be there even if you can’t for a bit of time. We enjoy helping each other and doing things together when possible. All you have to do is ask if you need help with something and we’ll do our best to come to your aid.
Don’t worry about trying to transfer right away. Feel free to guest with us as long as you want. if you decide you want to transfer, we’ll help you get the funds you need to do so.
There is also no requirement to be representing us at all times. It’s not our business to tell you who you can and cannot associate with; that choice is yours alone. All we ask is that you give us some time too. We do have a TeamSpeak 3, but it’s use is on a purely optional basis. Most of our chatter is on the guild channel.
For more information…
…check out our post here on these forums:
…or go directly to our website:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a note or contact me in game (Aria Silverfyre) and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Join Us –
Hi there friend!
TAV is a social/small/friendly guild focused in group activities and helping members.
Who we are
We are a small but rapidly growing guild of friends who would like to invite many more people to join us in our adventures.We all play on the Tarnished Coast Server (NA). We currently have around 20 active members and would like to see that number grow substantially. there are a core group of us who play on a daily basis running guild events or just helping one another improve our characters.
What does Tavola offer you?
-Friendly group of players who are always willing to help in any way they can.
-Scheduled guild events ranging from farming material & gold to WvW and bountys.
-Rewards for those who actively participate in guild events.
-Great Guild website and fourms
-24/7 dedicated ventrilo server.
-Experienced officers always willing to lend a hand.
-Holiday events and raffles.
-Daily dungeon runs.
-Our own customized GW2 game launcher.
if your interested in a guild were you always feel welcome then Tavola is the place for you. for more information please see out guild website and feel free to drop off your application if your interested. (some content need registration in enjin platform to access)
Hi Tim
That is sad what has happened to your guild and group of friends, there is nothing worse than really loving a game and then eventually you feel lost because everyone you knew stopped playing. I know that feeling well, maybe not from this game, but from a different game I played for 9 years. Perhaps our guild might give you a new place to call home?
We have a small guild in Ehmry Bay called Blood Raven Nighingales. My husband and I created it with a friend of mine. My friend stopped playing but we continued, so we decided to expand the guild and invite some players who enjoy PvE as much as we do.
Our vision was to create a group of friends to game with, people we can do some dungeons with or explore the area maps with etc. We have no big plans to expand into a massive guild. We prefer it smaller, we get to know all our members and it is more like a bunch of friends enjoying the game. A lot of the guild members introduce themselves by first name or a game nickname and we like that kind of familiarity.
We are oceanic based, I am from Australia and we have many Australian members, but we also have some members from the US, Singapore and Hong Kong as well. We don’t do dungeon runs every night, we don’t do fractals all the time but most of us do love dungeons and when not levelling alts we like to run them. (I personally would do them every day if I could get enough interest! lol)
We have vent for dungeons but no voice for general guild chat. We also have a forums website, We use the website to announce events, game discussion and off topic talk as well.
We are not a big guild with all the bells and whistles, but we are genuine people, who are friendly, active and enjoy playing GW2. We hope you consider us and please do add me in game if you would like to have a chat.
Wynter Raven
Hi Tim,
I know the feels man. :/ I was part of a small but thriving game community that was killed by some game-breaking nerfs and discontinued support for the servers and devs. Real life stuff happened, and a group of good friends for several years was slowly disbanded. The skype group still occasionally pops up but the good times are long gone. T_T
That said, finding a new group of good friends is definitely the right move, though I am sure you will miss the times you had with your old friends. I find GW2 is not a game that can hold my attention for very long without the social aspect.
Anyway, here comes a long stream of information about my guild MadCast Gaming. I appreciate that you are very serious about finding a good fit, so I’ll type up something more specific to your questions here instead of Ctr+C, Ctr+P here. XD
MadCast is a fairly old gaming guild that has been through many different games. It was started in 2007 by two friends as a result of their Battlefield clan slowly falling apart. I myself did not find/join MadCast until earlier this past year. I actually joined the clan for League of Legends— the GW2 clan I joined early on in the game did not work out for me, so I started playing LoL because I don’t like playing GW2 alone. After I joined MadCast I discovered they also played GW2, and since then it’s been GW2 100% for me!
At the very start of my time at MadCast, the GW2 group was quite small. They had decided to change servers over Christmas, and the switch + many people’s holidays meant not everyone returned when it was all said and done. Myself and few other dedicated members have worked very hard, and I can happily say we are growing exponentially. On most nights there are anywhere from 8-20 people in our GW2 Teamspeak room.
However, our goal is not to continue growing forever, but to reach and sustain perhaps 50 regularly active members so we can generally expect to have about 20 people on each night. We feel this is a number that will allow us to keep our friendly family feel while providing enough people that our group can do everything people want to do. The number is a bit flexible of course, and one thing I have learned about MadCast is that we strive to be adaptable to continue growing and improving. There’s no other way to stay around for that long!
Here are a few things I personally really appreciate about MadCast:
1. MadCast is serious about building a good community. People are always welcome to join us as associates/guests to check us out, but everyone who wears the MadCast tag has gone through a Candidacy period of 30 days. They must show they can stay active in our community by playing games with us and using our forums, and they must demonstrate they can uphold our code of conduct.
2. MadCast is very democratic. All members contribute to the candidate decisions by giving feedback about their interaction with the candidates. Our ranking members (moderators) are chosen cyclically so that no one goes stale in power. Senior members are voted on by the entire general community, and Staff pretty much do not make decisions without member input on some level (most decisions are not made by staff at all). This system is 1. a demonstration of our commitment to choosing quality members, and 2. proof of the level of involvement our members have in the community.
3. We have a ton of fun! Last night we had a Karaoke night which we had maybe 50 people attend over 4 hours. It was a good time to get to know people and everyone took turns singing/playing instruments. Events like that ensure everyone gets to know each other even if they don’t normally play the same games.
4. We are casual gamers with a hardcore community. You may notice all my points have been about our community. Most of us are a little older with careers, families, and some even have children. We are all actively involved and enjoy playing together because of our great friendships over the great games. Most of our members spend a lot of time online on the TeamSpeak, in game, and on the forums. However, we never require people to have a certain skill level, or have the best gear, or log in for a minimum number of events a week. We want you to (of course) if you can, but our real values are community-based, not game based.
There’s tons more but that should give you a good idea for now. I’m really happy to talk to you more about it too. ^^
Here’s what you should check out to give yourself a better feel for MadCast:
Our website at Especially check out the forums.
Our youtube at Lots of good stuff there.
Lastly, pop into our TeamSpeak to meet people and check us out! Information for connecting is on our forums in the New to MadCast subforum. Our GW2 members are most active between 7 PM EST and 2 AM EST.
Good luck Tim! I hope you find the perfect guild.
Hey there
I’m a Commander and WvW Recruiter for [OCX] – Oceanix, a PvX guild located on Sanctum of Rall.
OCX runs multiple WvW and PvE events a week, and is mainly based in the oceanic time zone (GMT 8 to GMT10). We have a great team of event organizers for PvE, who organize multiple PvE events every week, as well as multiple commanders, who run daily WvW raids and Havoc Squads.
We also have a specialized WvW rank for those that like to WvW frequently or hardcore, offering them the opportunity to come up to the role of commander in-guild, as well as have access to team Synergy builds.
If you are interested, pm me ingame or go to our guild website, listed below.
Guild Website:
Also, a link to a few of our youtube pages (Members operate their own pages)
My one (mainly WvW):
Another one (mix of WvW and PvE):
hi sent you an email
Your Home Hardcore PvE Guild focused in doing Speed/Record Runs & Guild Missions!
Ola Tim,
You might have found your guild already, but if not, you might want to contact me. I’m with the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] and we’re located at the gandara server. We’re a very fun PvX guild, having both noobs and very experienced players!
Check our website or contact me in-game for more information:
Cya, nick