Gayme0n [GO]

Gayme0n [GO]

in Looking for...

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Home World: Crystal Desert
Guild Name: Game 0n [GO] (due to arenanet filtering, which we can all agree is necessary, if not annoying that it is necessary)
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: EndlessDreamer.6780, Sail.7935, Technomage.2519
Focus: PVE Casual, WvW Casual

What are we? Gayme 0n is a group of GLBTQIA gamers who have come together to form what we like to call a Chuck E’ Cheese of guilds. If you’re curious about the GLBTQIA, here’s what it means: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans, kitten, Intersex, Asexual and Allies. And if your letter isn’t included here, you’re still welcome. We welcome all members of the spectrum and try to offer an open and welcome community to all.

If there is a game we want to play, we know people who will play them with us. We are in multiple games across the board, and currently one of our oldest is GW2. We’ve been here since beta and at one point had almost maximum capacity members. Nowadays we have a good 150 members with at least 10-20 on at most points in time. We used to have almost 500 members but a hacking caused us to have to re-invite and a lot of people had left by then.

We’re friendly, like to chat, and if you need a partner to run a dungeon, help you level, run around in WvW, you can ask and most of the time there will be at least a few people who are interested. We even have a mumble!

Would you like to learn more? Take a look at our Enjinn site. To join our guild, all you have to do is join our Enjinn site, we approve you and you get your invite.

Or you can send one of us an in-game mail and we’ll talk to you if you can’t register with Enjinn!

Even if you don’t want to join us in GW2 we play other games as well! Check us out!

Gayme 0n Facebook Site
Gayme 0n GW2 Facebook Site
Enjinn Site

If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!

(edited by EndlessDreamer.6780)

Gayme0n [GO]

in Looking for...

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Just an update of this! It was updated and if anyone is interested, feel free to contact me.