Get an Active guild!

Get an Active guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Malifect.2310


Hopefully you’re enjoying the game as much as we are. We are a medium sized guild on Yaks bend, and trying to get some more people together so that we can do all the things that the game has to offer. we have about 15-20 people logging on daily, and more on event days
We are a casual group of adults, who work for a living, but enjoy gaming in our downtime. We are on daily but with a focus on late afternoons and weekends. We are middle age (I am 42) and basically real people, laid back but wanting to see all the parts of the game. We are family friendly, and understand people have real lives. We are christians (at least most of us that I know of), and our guild chat and ventrilo chat reflects that, so if that kind of thing is important to you, you fit in here!
We love doing all the different things the game has to offer, and try to schedule events, but you can find people to do whatever most anytime. We do guild bounties, and treks every week. We have ventrilo, and ask that anyone participating in a dungeon run or pvp event would join so that we can stay coordinated, but you don’t have to be in ventrilo all the time.
Lastly, we aren’t a “click” so if you join us, you will still have the opportunity to run with us, because there is room for you, and we wont kick you because a more preferred guildmate showed up …Give us a shot! If you’re on Yaks Bend, send a letter to malifect.2310 or reply here and ill get you an invite to the guild or ventrilo.
You might also consider joining, or taking a look at our webpage, that way you can get a feel for the kind of people we are, and see the upcoming events that are in the works. We’ve done everything from the most serious game stuff, to high diving competitions, and even a zone wide hide-and-go-seek. believe me, we are definately working in every area of the game to make it exciting and fun, and still get that end game stuff accomplished.
on a personal note, I am a commander on Yaks bend, and i’m the officer in charge of PVP/WVW . I love killing the other guys, and I’d love to have your help!
shoot me a message!
Captain Yak