Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Good Clean [FUN] is entering its launch phase and is now recruiting skilled individuals with an interest in highly-coordinated outnumbered play in the WvWvW environment.

About Good Clean Fun

Good Clean Fun is the result of a decision from a number of highly skilled WvW players and friends from different servers and guilds to form one central hub which embraces a friendly and welcoming atmosphere while maintaining a motivated, highly skilled and determined open field fighting force. Good Clean Fun will insist on maintaining high standards for the conduct of our players, as well as encouraging and requiring a ‘best for the team’ policy in regard to it’s members play styles and builds. Good Clean Fun will focus foremost on performing successfully in all scenarios of WvW, we do not support or nurture any elitist attitudes. Having a genuinely good time is held hand in hand with our desire to dominate the WvW landscape.

Basic information:
Currently located on: Stormbluff Isle
Raid times: 8:30pm EST (show up 15 minutes early for structuring nightly comp) – 11:30pm/12am

Membership Information:

As a member of FUN, you can expect:
• Highly coordinated group play with a growing core of 20+ members on the field.
• Consistent daily raids at 8:30pm EST.
• Regular training, both individual and team, to help you build your individual skill set and develop a cohesion within the group.
• To be part of a well balanced and open-minded team where everyone has a voice. Note: We get a little crazy in TS as the night goes on
• Full transparency. Members will be aware of things that are happening within the guild and all ideas brought forth.
• A deep roster (5+) of WvW commanders with experience in leading large and influential guilds since the launch of GW2. Many members are included from some of top NA WvW guilds to date.
• Very knowledgeable and skilled commanders. These individuals have extensive experience with leading and being a member of highly skilled guilds in GW2.

We expect the following of our members:
• 100% rep during raid times.
• An age of 18+.
• Frequent, if not daily, attendance (this will be determined on a case by case basis, but individuals who do not attend frequently do not fit with what we are trying to accomplish, and will be removed from the guild).
• A ubiquitous respect for others. Harassment and or intolerance will be met with a warning, and then an excision from the guild.
• A 100% acceptance of your own actions in WvW. If you die, there are no excuses, there are only solutions to help you improve your play. Excessive excuse making or unfounded complaining about the nature of our play style will result in a guild kick
• An openness to direction in terms of play, builds, etc. Note: This is very important
• Full communication during raids. Good Clean Fun requires the use of TeamSpeak to communicate with each other. This is a must
• A commitment to the mission of Good Clean Fun and dedication to the guild.


Please contact:

or visit our recruitment page:

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: KcB.6890


Growing daily and still looking for more members. Bump.

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Especially looking for talented and highly motivated warriors and guardians. Feel free to contact me if you have questions

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: slingblade.1437


If you are NA prime and hardcore when it comes to WvW, be sure and consider [FUN] on SBI.

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Moorecore.6349


Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: garull.8956


Awesome group! Come check us out!

Decisive Gg [NS]

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Very impressive and growing guild

Commander Nachonix

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


We’re still looking for really solid individual players who want to play in a team environment full of like minded players. I’m sure a lot of you viewing this forum are great players who are tired of having to play with a team consisting of less dedicated players. If that’s you, consider [FUN], it will be the best GW2 decision you’ve ever made.

Feel free to hit me up if you want to talk over teamspeak prior to submitting an application.

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Free bump for you guys :P

Commander Nachonix

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Still looking for a few more players.

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


We are encouraging highly skilled players of all professions to apply, but we are especially interested in good engineers, thieves, mesmers, and/or s/d&d/d elementalists. Pm me in game with any questions and we can chat over teamspeak or pm.

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: KcB.6890


Still going strong and still recruiting. App up if your interested.

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


We really need some exceptionally talented engineers with an open mind.

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Recruitment is still open. If you are highly skilled and motivated consider [FUN].

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: aFLEX.8230


really down to earth and talented players in this guild, if you’re looking for a guild on SBI I’d recommend FUN

edit – oops

[BT] Black Tylers

(edited by aFLEX.8230)

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


This guils is on SBI, not FA lol

Commander Nachonix

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Flytrap.8075


[Bags] loves running with [FUN]; definitely one of the best guilds SBI has to offer.

Fort Aspenwood | [Bags]

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


Thanks for the friendly bumps.

We are still indeed looking for a memser who can play reliably and wants to & can play at a high level in both GvG and open field.

Also still need more necros/engineers/other periphery players.

Star Player

Good Clean [FUN] - Hardcore WvW Recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: American.2869


A great group of players that are always a pleasure to fight. If you’re on SBI and are a talented player; then FUN is the place to be.

~ [RET] Retribution ~
Necro: Skyinho