Good Guilds on Tarnished Coast?

Good Guilds on Tarnished Coast?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vancien.1980


Hey all.

So I recently came back to the game after being on hiatus playing something else. I know, I cheated on everyone. But honestly, the guild had grown stagnant and people had a lot of real life whatever happening so it got pretty lonely. Plus a few personal things happened that also retracted my desire to play.

Anyway, so I am back and my guild is dead. Most people haven’t been on in a year or more and I am curious as to what is out there on Tarnished Coast for Good Guilds.

And when I say Good Guilds I don’t mean some meat party full of elitist teenagers that just recently discovered their wieners and want to talk about it every other sentence and the other half being about the female upper half that they are obsessed with.

In other words, I don’t mind teenagers but I usually get very annoyed with the immature ones which is about 96% of them all. I’d like to find an adult guild that doesn’t cater to the children. I have been the “Family-Friendly” route too many times in the past.

I cuss like a sailor and drink whiskey on occasion. I’d like to find a group that likes to tear it up and laugh out loud on voice chat. I am a veteran gamer and played Guildwars.

If anything perhaps I could just make some new friends at least to play with.


Good Guilds on Tarnished Coast?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lady Kaguya.3208

Lady Kaguya.3208

Hey Van!

I’m running a new guild on Tarnished Coast; we’re a mature (18+) guild that loves to just take it easy and play—while we love discussing the game and getting involved in new content, by the end of the day we just have fun. My guild is perfectly okay with some rowdiness and cursing as long as it’s not disrespectful to others.

We also do light RP and focus mostly on PvE content but like to do other things from time to time too.

Read more about us here and see if we’re a good fit:

I’ll bug you sometime!

Lady Kaguya – Mechanist Xerri
Zaktan – Ramses Dejarin – Komas Boomblast