Guild for trans folk and allies recruiting

Guild for trans folk and allies recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Boops.3852


Hiya, Sisters Not Cisters [SIS] is (currently) a level 20 guild with roughly 140 members, that aims to provide a safer social space for trans folk of all genders to enjoy GW2 on our terms. Respectful cis allies are welcome.

Our guild was founded in early 2015 by two transfeminist anarchists after we had a series of bad experiences with other guilds. Our rules and methods of leadership reflect this to an extent, and are heavily derived from intersectional feminism.

Currently we run weekly guild missions, have a fairly active community and are in the process of preparing for raids alongside an allied guild.

If you’re interested you can read our rules and apply at

As soon as I bared my butt, I knew he’d crack.

Guild for trans folk and allies recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Friendly bump for you! I list [SIS] when recommending LGBT guilds to people, so it’s great to be able to link to your recruitment post.

Also sending warmth your way, to [SIS] and its members for Transgender Day of Remembrance today. Our trans members and allies stand in solidarity with yours to remember the siblings we’ve lost.

Guild for trans folk and allies recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Boops.3852


Aw thanks. I really appreciate the links and vibes. <3

As soon as I bared my butt, I knew he’d crack.