Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
Hello fellow WvWers. I am a commander on DR and guild leader for LEXS (League of Extraordinary Siegers). We are looking for a new home somewhere in the middle ranks.
About us: we are a hardcore NA wvw group and enjoy defending our BL. We don’t mind doing the dirty work of sieging, repairing, and upgrading our keeps. We are fun and laid-back and prefer to avoid drama. I don’t mind commanding pugs and my first priority is to defend what we own.
What we are looking for: a server with friendly people, not too zergy, and at least a decent nighttime/oceanic presence. TeamSpeak 3 is preferred.
We are considering: SOS, SBI, YB or CD.
While it is sad to leave DR, we are not having fun there anymore and need to move on. Please contact me either here or in-game if you think we would be a good fit. Happy to talk to anyone on TS about our situation.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
Ty for your interest in SoS. We fit all your requirements and would LOVE to have you defend our home. If you would like info and have questions regarding SoS please let me know and we can chat on our community ts3. GL in your search.
PS: SoS’s recruitment thread with most info:
(edited by Luvpie.8350)
First, SBI, YB and CD have little to no nighttime presence so those servers don’t meet one of your criterion. Keep in mind that you will struggle to find an NA server with nighttime without zerging.
Basically any server below T2 would likely fail your Nightime criterion. I think you would find Tarnished coast and T1 servers to be too zergy for you. From my experience on Dragonbrand and match ups with FA and SoS, even FA lacks decent coverage.
SoS looks like the best server for your guild; it has Oceanic coverage, TS3 and has an active but not zergy NA time.
Also consider Dragonbrand; it has better nighttime coverage, also uses TS3, but still lacks an NA presence to be considered Zergy by most other servers.
Umm, don’t know what the guy above is talking about. ALL the servers the op mentions has over-night coverage.
SBI has one asian guild (they have a recruitment thread right here on this same section) and some oceanics as well, I believe.
CD has 2-3 asian guilds
YB has some oceanics in it
I think any of the servers on your radar would be a good fit. SBI, YB and CD have decent NA as well for you to work with. SoS has barely any NA but their oceanics are stronger than the other three servers.
And I disagree that DB has better nighttime coverage. FA and SoS put up a much better fight during off-peak than DB. Not to mention a large number of them moving to SoR.
Thank you for the responses so far. The one thing we don’t want to do is bring too many people to a new server and cause it to go up in ranks too far. We have no interest in T1.
A weak NA presence is not a bad thing, as we will bring NA players to the new server.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
My server Isle Of Janthir would love to have more NA presense. You guys would bring a lot to the table, while our response time on defense is pretty good having a guild such as yours would make a big change and aid us rise in rankings.
We’re well known for our strong oceanic presense. We can offer a server wide teamspeak every guild can use and most of us do and we also have an active server website. Theres absolutely no drama in our server, we all work together as a team and now that we recently had few guilds transfering over we are stronger than ever.
I understand if you’re looking for a higher tier server, either way i wish you the best of luck on any server you guys pick. They’ll be happy to have you
That awkward moment when I was about to post about our server having recently lost guilds to see if you would be interested.
Hey Blodeuyn. Not seen you in a while. I hear its not great over on DR now. Very sad to hear that, but it was kinda going that way for a while
Would love to have you guys on Borlis Pass with us again. We are currently matched up with Maguma and Dragonbrand and it’s Zerg city.
We don’t usually fight those guys though as they are much higher ranked than us and we are normally able to keep most of our upgraded towers and keeps overnight with the guys we got.
BP don’t have any ambitions to get to T1 and are quite happy being around the rank 9-10-11 mark, where there are no crazy map queues and few 60 man blobs.
Ping me in game if you want to know any more or I can give you our TS details to have a chat.
Good luck wherever you end up. Every server should be trying to get you guys.
You need to go to Sea of Sorrows. They have a strong Oceanic presence and they have a devoted group of NA who avoid zergballing like the plague. Perfect fit for you guys.
SoS would be the perfect fit for you and your guild! As Luvpie stated we’re about having fun in SoS. We’re not going to tell you to play at this time frame or that you have to do so and so. Ever since me and my old guild transferred to SoS (before the summer started) We have yet to see server drama or arguing between guilds, which really keeps the atmosphere of WvW fun and exciting.! Now as far as the Na coverage goes SoS could use your help a lot seeing as we are a PvX server with guilds like Fang, Pv,SoV, Blnt Who field numbers throughout the day and help carry us along with a few other great guilds who escape my mind as I sit in my 8 am class.
With BANE and vH as the two upfront WvW guilds for the Na timezone, we have to rely on the SoS militia to rise to the occasion (Which they always do, <3 those players) and help us fight against the superior numbers (Which means more loot bags for you all) that we may see during the other servers Na Prime time.
Also it would be great to have another guild to help with defending the SoS bl! Fang, BANE, and our other talented Guilds/Havoc Squads usually stick to our bls and fight our kittens off against the sea of red that we encounter! And trust me, nothing is more fun than being in our community Ts and following/listening to Luvpie as he leads the charge. I think most of the SoS community can agree to that
Best of luck to wherever you end! I just hope you can make SoS your home and be among our strong community! Now, my sleep deprived self needs to check back into class.
P.S. If you find yourselves up late, try running with our Oceanic friends! Those fellas know how to WvW! Oh and the Australian accents are quite fun to listen to
Hey Blodeuyn. Not seen you in a while. I hear its not great over on DR now. Very sad to hear that, but it was kinda going that way for a while
Would love to have you guys on Borlis Pass with us again. We are currently matched up with Maguma and Dragonbrand and it’s Zerg city.
We don’t usually fight those guys though as they are much higher ranked than us and we are normally able to keep most of our upgraded towers and keeps overnight with the guys we got.
BP don’t have any ambitions to get to T1 and are quite happy being around the rank 9-10-11 mark, where there are no crazy map queues and few 60 man blobs.
Ping me in game if you want to know any more or I can give you our TS details to have a chat.
Good luck wherever you end up. Every server should be trying to get you guys.
Glad you guys found a nice home. You’ve been missed.
Hey Halfpint… we loved our time on DR but when your guild stops having fun cause the rest of the server stops showing up in wvw, then it is time to move on.
We miss a lot of the great people we got to know on DR and wish them all the best.
I really do understand server loyalty but my first priority is to my guys and I will make the hard decisions to stay or leave when I need to, as I am sure Blodeuyn has had to too.
Sorry.. dont want to highjack the thread any longer..
(edited by Snow Ghost.6817)
Poor DR. T_T
I spent some time on SoS and enjoyed my time there. Their NA is (was?) weak relative to their oceanic. The main problem I had was all the matchups you’ll get with T2 and possibly T1 servers. The gap between T1, T2 and T3 is huge. Good luck with your transfer!
(Please stay for fight night. We need more people to duel on Thursday.)
I am hearing a lot of positive feedback from SOS (thank you for speaking with me Le Rooster).
We’d like to hear more from SBI as I think the choice is down to SOS or SBI (I would like to talk to someone from SBI on TS tonight if possible – contact me).
My server Isle Of Janthir would love to have more NA presense. You guys would bring a lot to the table, while our response time on defense is pretty good having a guild such as yours would make a big change and aid us rise in rankings.
Thank you for the invite, but we prefer to move to another “tier” altogether.
That awkward moment when I was about to post about our server having recently lost guilds to see if you would be interested.
Trust me, this is not an easy decision. I’ll go into details at the end of this post.
Hey Blodeuyn. Not seen you in a while. I hear its not great over on DR now. Very sad to hear that, but it was kinda going that way for a while
Would love to have you guys on Borlis Pass with us again. We are currently matched up with Maguma and Dragonbrand and it’s Zerg city.
Hi Iorek Glad to hear from you, BP was a consideration but I think most of us have ruled it out. I miss you guys!
(Please stay for fight night. We need more people to duel on Thursday.)
I’m not going anywhere for at least a week, but I won’t be at fight night. I am a staff ele and don’t provide much fun in a duel.
I’d like to clear up a few things for the people who have whispered me on DR. Leaving was a hard decision to make and I had considered going by myself as my goal was to do as little harm to DR as possible.
DR has always been my home, and I’ve been through our rebuild(s), but this time my heart is just not in it. I think the turning point for me was when Bukems left (I miss him a lot). Things have just gone downhill from there, and I feel partly responsible for that as I think I could have done more (recruiting, mentoring, morale, etc.). I apologize to anyone I let down.
That being said, it is time for me to try something new. I will miss my friends on DR who are not moving, you are a great bunch of people! I’ve not had a chance to talk to everyone I need to, so if you wish to move with me and are not in LEXS please let me know, I’d be happy to have any of you with me. I am farming gold this week to assist with transfers for those who do not have the cash.
In the end the exodus might be the best thing that has happened to DR. Change can be good, and getting rid of the people who are burnt out might have a positive effect on your overall morale.
(edited by Blodeuyn.2751)
Poor DR. T_T
I spent some time on SoS and enjoyed my time there. Their NA is (was?) weak relative to their oceanic. The main problem I had was all the matchups you’ll get with T2 and possibly T1 servers. The gap between T1, T2 and T3 is huge. Good luck with your transfer!
(Please stay for fight night. We need more people to duel on Thursday.)
Back to ET? Come to SoS again if you guys still doing WvW? We are getting back to normal.
Glad rooster was able to talk to you about SoS. See you around.
(edited by Luvpie.8350)
Poor DR. T_T
I spent some time on SoS and enjoyed my time there. Their NA is (was?) weak relative to their oceanic. The main problem I had was all the matchups you’ll get with T2 and possibly T1 servers. The gap between T1, T2 and T3 is huge. Good luck with your transfer!
(Please stay for fight night. We need more people to duel on Thursday.)
Back to ET? Come to SoS again if you guys still doing WvW? We are getting back to normal.
Glad rooster was able to talk to you about SoS. See you around.
Errawen was trying to talk me back to SoS. SoS was fun for me and I was super sad to leave my SoS friends (I miss you guys!). My ET friends bribed me back with small group roaming and gvgs.
If you’re asking for the guild – we’ve pretty much split off in different directions.
Umm, don’t know what the guy above is talking about. ALL the servers the op mentions has over-night coverage.
SBI has one asian guild (they have a recruitment thread right here on this same section) and some oceanics as well, I believe.
CD has 2-3 asian guilds
YB has some oceanics in itI think any of the servers on your radar would be a good fit. SBI, YB and CD have decent NA as well for you to work with. SoS has barely any NA but their oceanics are stronger than the other three servers.
And I disagree that DB has better nighttime coverage. FA and SoS put up a much better fight during off-peak than DB. Not to mention a large number of them moving to SoR.
CD with 3 Asian guilds. They must be either incredibly small or simply not play wvw.
SBI even with an Asian guild still gets destroyed during SEA.
FA and SoS is still consistently beaten throughout the day by DB
It’s sad to see Devona die, was there since October and have seen it rise and fall. I know what it’s like to stick it through the thick and thin, but there is only so much you can take. AD and BSty stuck around through about 3-5 rebuilding attempts? It got to the point where there was no fun to be had in those tiers, and we weren’t getting the fights we hoped to get.
All the people we knew on Devona are leaving, and it’s time you leave it behind aswell. From what I can tell, OBS and EDGE went to Crystal Desert. Bags went to SBI, Beast is going to BP, and DDLG will be leaving soon too. We went to Ehmry Bay and are liking it here, we came for the roaming scene though.
Good luck wherever you take that Zultz clown Gonna miss that guy.
Go with SoS or DB. Those are the two servers that best fit your criteria.
Going to miss you guys (and EDGE / OBS).
BEAST ended up on SBI along with GORE.
I forgot to warn people that we will unleash Zultz on a new unsuspecting server!
It’s sad to see Devona die, was there since October and have seen it rise and fall. I know what it’s like to stick it through the thick and thin, but there is only so much you can take. AD and BSty stuck around through about 3-5 rebuilding attempts? It got to the point where there was no fun to be had in those tiers, and we weren’t getting the fights we hoped to get.
All the people we knew on Devona are leaving, and it’s time you leave it behind aswell. From what I can tell, OBS and EDGE went to Crystal Desert. Bags went to SBI, Beast is going to BP, and DDLG will be leaving soon too. We went to Ehmry Bay and are liking it here, we came for the roaming scene though.
Good luck wherever you take that Zultz clown
Gonna miss that guy.
Join Us.
Out of the servers you say your are considering I would recommend SBI. However I would like to say NSP would welcome you with open arms. We could use a solid dedicated guild to help boost our player base.
We made our decision! It was a tough choice between SOS and SBI, but we are going to SBI. We will most likely transfer on Saturday. Thank you to all those who spoke with me, I appreciate the guidance. <3
Good luck with SBI and see you on the field.
Welcome to Stormbluff Isle, we are all so excited that you chose us and you will make an excellent addition to our once again thriving community.
Wise decision.
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