[Gunnars Hold] Looking for guild!

[Gunnars Hold] Looking for guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Morfh.8135


Hello! I just returned to GW2 after a year of absence, and I’m looking for a friendly and helpful guild that focuses on PvE!

About me:
I’m a 20 year old girl, I’ve played several MMO’s, with WoW being my favorite and longest played. I just recently returned to GW2 and dinged 80 a few days ago, I have not yet purchased HoT but will do so when my economy allows it!

I am mainly looking for doing dungeons, and eventually raids, and other PvE events. The type of guild I want is active, social, and have patient with me as I delve deeper into the game’s details.

Give me a whisper, or reply in this thread!

[Gunnars Hold] Looking for guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kaz.3196


My wife and I are about to do HoT – almost done with pre-HoT living world. If you want people to roll with, let us know in-game and we’ll party up.

[Gunnars Hold] Looking for guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: taliesinwolf.3627


Hey Morfh,

Immortal Soulhunters [HUNT] is an adult oriented, friendly, and helpful community of casual and serious gamers.

We are seeking both new and veteran people to join us in rebuilding the guild.
We are a close bunch of guildies and we want to include YOU too.

Established in 2006, we have built our membership with an emphasis on fun for all.
Though our main focus is PvE. We do a bit of everything that the game has to offer,
a good number of members enjoy the variety of aspects. We have a level 38 Guild Hall (work in progress) available for you!
We are currently rebuilding our membership for additional dedicated members to
complete our core groups.

Come join us in the guild for fun and plenty of good times to come!!

We have our own TS3 server.

*Guild Missions Weekly.

*We like to do Fractals/Dungeons/PvP/WvW and more.

*We may be small for now, but with more help that will soon change.

*NA server/ Borlis Pass/ Eastern Time Zone.

*Come make this guild grow and with your help, be greater then ever.

Please Contact Me for more info and guild invite.

WilburOneEye.1645 (Guild Leader)

Hypknotiq.8473 (Officer/Recruiter)
