GvG/WvW Repel Time [ETA] - Recruiting for SEA

GvG/WvW Repel Time [ETA] - Recruiting for SEA

in Looking for...

Posted by: OliT.7945


Outnumbered fights! GvGs! Loud and active voice comms! Sugar pumpkins!

If any or none of that excited you, read on!

[ETA] is a late OCX/SEA time guild with a focus is on GvG and open field fights. After recently moving to Tarnished Coast from Maguuma we’re looking for some motivated players to bolster our ranks . We’re competitive players yet somehow we manage to avoid being kittenholes most of the time. Our membership is friendly and diverse and our players live all over the world. We all get along really well.


  • What you can expect from us
  • A competitive and motivated team, always trying to improve
  • Aiming to fight players, not doors.
  • Help with builds and playstyle
  • Active teamspeak, guild chat and forums
  • Fun~

What we expect from you

  • The same motivation and desire to improve as the rest of us
  • Be open to criticism and advice
  • Be willing to use a mic in raids and GvG
  • Participate frequently in raids and let us know when you can’t

Other Info

  • We raid at roughly 10:30 pm AEST Monday-Thursday (That’s 2:30am server time and 5:30 am Pacific). Weekends are a little more ad hoc.
  • We GvG and scrimm as often as we can during OCX/SEA and we verse NA guilds when we can get the numbers
  • Our GvG team is competitive. We put the best players in that we have available so if you want a spot you’ll need to earn it.
  • We really do need all applicants to use a mic. Not participating in idle chit chat is fine, we need to hear you calling your skills

Here’s some of our recent results against other guilds you may have heard of (all were scrims)
August 5th – ETA 7:0 GC
August 10th – ETA 5:2 cA
August 12th – ETA 5:3 Ge

Some videos of us in action:
Shout warrior vs PAIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44QUp13I9CY&list=UUPDMIbVY1aJ168TFhHzLyXw

Staff Ele vs Meow (a bit old) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H0HLzJ6gl0&list=UULupSVRBMcS5VtXrAzJK2ow

And of course, an exclusive FULL COMMS video! Our raids are done in D Sharp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm2mxP474F0&index=1&list=UULupSVRBMcS5VtXrAzJK2ow

We’re looking for Guardians, Shout Warriors, Staff Elementalists, Power Necros and a few Thieves/Mesmers.

If you have any questions or are interested in applying, visit our website at www.repeltime.enjin.com/recruitment or whisper/mail any of these players in-game; Jinzhu.2417, Cosmic Sparklejunk.3514, OliT.7945, Kite.3724

Elementalist for Repel Time [ETA]
Always happy to accept gold donations.

GvG/WvW Repel Time [ETA] - Recruiting for SEA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Great guild! go ETA!

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

GvG/WvW Repel Time [ETA] - Recruiting for SEA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tarkus.4109


Probably the strongest pound for pound guild on TC in OCX/SEA atm. Good luck with recruitment.

Retired OCX Pugmander and Guild driver [Tarkus, Vaelle]

(edited by Tarkus.4109)

GvG/WvW Repel Time [ETA] - Recruiting for SEA

in Looking for...

Posted by: SilverSparky.1053


ETA does not hold back with its sugar pumpkins. They are relentless.

They’re also pretty good at some other things


GvG/WvW Repel Time [ETA] - Recruiting for SEA

in Looking for...

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Where’s that scrub BPC go!

Ktyz [CNB]