Help me find a WvW community!

Help me find a WvW community!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Schmitma.3185


I know there’s been some serious complaints about the current state of WvW, but I’m still super intrigued by it. I’ve only ever hopped in the Eternal Battlegrounds a couple of times, but lately I’ve had a serious urge to take it more seriously. After all, it was the feature I was most excited for, prior to GW2’s release.

I’m in the search for a new guild/world that I can count on for some seriously fun times in WvW! I’m not at all a “competitive” person, but I like to have some sense of honor and dignity on the battlefield. Not fighting for points, but fighting for glory!

So if anyone can point me in the right direction of a socially active WvW community that likes to have fun and use their imagination, it would be huge help!

- Grom Ironsiege

Help me find a WvW community!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MetalVillain.7369


I need a WVW guild too; also – need to transfer out of Eradon Terrece

Help me find a WvW community!

in Looking for...

Posted by: danielrazor.6041


come to IOJ ( Isle Of Janthir) most of the wvw guilds are just about finished building upgrades and its starting to get a little more busy now (finally)

add me in game for more info

[SALT] The Salty Pickles
Leia Ravenpaw – Dragonhunter
Daniel Ravenpaw – Daredevil

Help me find a WvW community!

in Looking for...

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Come and join Henge of Denravi! We are PPTing hard into T3 so we can get some real fights across all timezone. However, we still need lots of NA players to keep us there! We have the guilds, just need the players

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Help me find a WvW community!

in Looking for...

Posted by: DeLys.5380


Hi! I have been playing MMORPGs since 1991 and I only started playing GW2 last July. I am starting a new PvX guild on Tarnished Coast. In WvW are the #1 server in Tier 2 and we have an active WvW community with some great commanders. The guild I’m starting is called Arcane Masters. I have leaders for WvW, PvP and PvE. All of them have played the game since launch and are excellent players. We just got our guild hall, so the guild is only level one, but we will hopefully work hard and grow fast.

All of us are currently members of the largest WvW guilds on the server, as well, so we have access to a lot of important features and perks already, which will help.

For WvW, my goal is to have about 15-20 man raid groups on all BLs and EBG lead by experienced commanders, as well kitten -10 man havoc groups which will run both concurrently and separately. Our emphasis will be on tactics, rather than blobbing. We will do fights and PPT.

For PvP, I would love to have a competitive guild “team.” I have two of the top players on the server for our PvP leads. They are excellent at training inexperienced players, too!

For PvE, I have two leads who are amazing and know every facet of the game, in and out. I am looking for one more with experience with fractals and dungeons. If you have a lot of experience there, get in touch with me for a lead position!

If you are interested in joining a great guild of ADULTS who want to have fun, without drama, and build something exceptional, please PM me in game.

Thank you!
Leocia/Faline Melisande, et. al.

Help me find a WvW community!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Grim Reaper.3048

Grim Reaper.3048

As you all know, most of the servers WvW population has faded away. If you really want good action in WvW, T1 has it. From mega Blobs to Havoc groups. If you want more info, whisper me in game or send me an email.