(edited by Bevillian.1260)
[Herb] Blackgate - Recruiting!
Bumping this thread.
I was already in this guild until I accidentally represented another guild. DAT KICK lol
I was already in this guild until I accidentally represented another guild. DAT KICK lol
You would have been booted for inactivity. Any player that was booted for not representing when you were in the guild was given 2 to 3 warnings and at least 1 mail sent to them prior to being booted, with an attached message letting you know you could return if that was the reason you were booted.
Bumping this thread again
Bump bigidy bump to the blam.
We are now recruiting for WvW. We are starting to have a larger presence inside WvW and are looking for experienced players.
Still looking for experienced players. We recruit for all aspects of the game. PvPers are encouraged to join, we have plenty of players who enjoy WvW and PvP and would love a few new additions to the roster
What’s your timezone focus? At what time (server time) do you usually do your missions?
What’s your timezone focus? At what time (server time) do you usually do your missions?
They are scheduled for 6pm server time Fri, Sat, and Sunday. A lot of times they are activated once we get 30+ players online though instead. Especially if we don’t have the numbers on during the scheduled times on those days during any given week.
Bumping this thread
The Tyrian High Council [Herb] is recruiting experienced players for WvW! We are a fully upgraded active reputable guild on Blackgate, formed March of 2013. Guild Missions happen weekly and Teamspeak is available for players. 24/7 Guild Boosts, clean website, and a casual environment. Players are required to represent unless in their alt storage. We are now accepting applications here. Thanks for your time :]