Heya guys!
[HIRE] has a very rich history, we’ve gone through 7 guild leaders and have changed our focus many times. In the past few months HIRE has changed to a pure International WvW guild, with focused leaders and a rapidly growing lovely community, becoming the best possible players for each possible situation, constantly learning, and always in action for the best WvW. [HIRE] has never been known to give up, since our time on Isle of Janthir, to our time on Ehmry Bay, and now settled on Sanctum of Rall. We do our best to shine and perform at peak no matter the situation.
Ever since changing to an international status guild, we’ve been recruiting for each timezone, and been working on each commander possible, I’ve stated to HIRE that I want each individual person to become their own commander, so everyone is capable of leading, and adapting to different situations. No matter what is happening in WvW, we will find a way to have fun and enjoy each fight. There are WvW players of each style, from roamers, to zerglings, to tower huggers ^.^ ( gotta keep them scouts ). We care about our SoR community so we will swap from ‘Untagged’ to ‘Tagged’ on some nights, simply to keep others playing.
Timezone Play:
With the scattering of some of SoR’s SEA forces, HIRE has become a viable option and has come through to cover the timezone very well. We cover NA Prime with a 20-30 man force, Late NA and Oceanic with 15-25 and SEA with ~25. Numbers based on WEEKLY consistency, not weekend. EU is our most empty timeslot, however you will always find some late SEA people that forget what sleep is, and people that wake up early in America ^.^
HIRE has a very rich community, reaching 230 ACTIVE members, for each different timezone, and still recruiting. We share the SoR public Teamspeak and have our own private which we only use on several occasions.
Our official HIRE website.
Recruitment :
Since we are a WvW guild, we do attempt to recruit people who are familiar with WvW OR are willing to learn and put their mind and focus to it.
We do NOT resent PvE, we do have PvE events such as guild missions, and guild money farms, plus 1-2 hour breaks depending on how our commanders feel inbetween raids. Plus we have made Friday(oceanic) a free night.
If you are interested in HIRE, Please either send me a mail here or in game!
Scyprotek (Medeyn.8562)
Or send a mail to any of our officers !
NA Hours
Myself (Medeyn)
Please Consider us for your WvW love ^.^