HoD doesn't want you

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bllade.1029


If you’re thinking about coming to HoD, don’t.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


kk, thanks!


Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827



This is an odd thread. Lol

Commander Nachonix

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

LOL bladdes. afraid to actually get challenged in silver league? very VLK of you :P

but in seriousness. HoD is actually a great server. although i am not on HoD anymore, there are wonderful people on that server with great talent like MU,Dx, and the newly xferred SWAT.

=) so if you are thinking of xferring and HoD is one of your choices..ignore this

[Wake] main driver/GL

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bllade.1029


Yeah such a great server you left. Look at that.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Havvik Nightseeker.3485

Yeah such a great server you left. Look at that.

just because i left said server does not mean i do not respect HoD as a whole. i have many friends there still who i keep in touch with. and my time running with MU was a lot of fun.

i only went up to bp because it is higher in said leagues and my guild is there. it is really not your call to just tell people to “kitten off” just becuase you do not want HoD to improve, to find better fights and overall have fun in WvW in the higher leagues. you can really only get facerolled from your improved ranking in leagues, which although yeah SBI will slaughter HoD. you can still have fun with fights or just kittening around doing whatever

so like i said. if you want HoD to sit in bronze league were its pretty much easy mode (no offense) and you can feel like your mlg leet pro at the game. OH and you can also keep your temp gold dolyak and your 3 blues once every 9 weeks or whatever.

OR you could kitten and not post immature, unintelligent, unessecary stuff that can possibly ruin a lot of peoples fun and other HoDer’s plans for HoD just because you and/or VLK wants to sit in there elitist corner.

so i hope this silly little forum thread fails so you all get to silver league and i can kill VLK repeatedly and giggle.


[Wake] main driver/GL

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Bllade.1029


I’m really glad we had this talk. Thanks.

[VLK] – No one ever complains about bad Thieves, they die.

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mercabre.7123


You think we want to be in bronze? You are completely misinterpreting this. What you are saying is so ridiculous I’m almost at a loss for words.

Clearly no one gets VLK humor.

Thuefore | Rieaz, Mag [VLK]
Grammar aside I probably have a point in there somewhere.

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tossed Fish.7380

Tossed Fish.7380

Well… This is quite a mess. Really don’t feel like cleaning.

I think it’s best we all ignore this post and move on. Kay?

Tossed Fish//Necromancer
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

What if I enjoy the bickering of old couples and want to see more?

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: ahstanford.5967


This thread definitely does not accurately reflect VLK’s leadership or the HoD server. If you’re reading this, ignore it. If you don’t believe me, just whisper me and I’ll put you in touch with the leaders on HoD, including the leader of VLK.

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: styx.7294


What if I enjoy the bickering of old couples and want to see more?

Put on some soaps.

Gate of Madness

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Khursun.2354


Hi all,

this post was meant to be smart kitten post and it got a bit out of hand. HoD is a great server, we are pretty drama free, have some trolls that that go a little apekitten overboard at times, (No, VLK is not a roleplaying guild full of Filopinos/cry) and we like to have fun while getting some work done. Anyone who was going to transfer and decided against it as you took this post seriously, please whisper me in game.

Raijin Hammerstorm/Lightstorm/Shrimpstorm

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: gwfanboy.2496


LOL bladdes. afraid to actually get challenged in silver league? very VLK of you :P

but in seriousness. HoD is actually a great server. although i am not on HoD anymore, there are wonderful people on that server with great talent like MU,Dx, and the newly xferred SWAT.

=) so if you are thinking of xferring and HoD is one of your choices..ignore this

Silly boy..anyone who plays a stealth class – especially the most broken one in mmo history:gw2- is not someone who likes a challenge. Ask them to roll a ranger or warrior and watch them pee their pants in panic.

I’m from HOD and the only zergling guilds comparable to T1 are mu -who are more or less mixed with dx- and we got swat rom maguma who might merge with mu/DX to combat the vast numbers.

FKB try their best but without dedicated builds they get wiped against organized groups and larger numbers.

VLK is not successful and their commander plays a thief..I kid you not.. The name is intimidating like chopsticks or knives or something.

HOD will be on the bottom half of silver but the wvw community is active and aggressive so transfer if you enjoy a challenge and want to prove your zergy skills like MU.

Necromancer, Devonas Rest Are My Harlots [PIMP]

HoD doesn't want you

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ebony.5738


If you’re thinking about coming to HoD, don’t.

