I'm kind of an ashhole

I'm kind of an ashhole

in Looking for...

Posted by: BattleBuddy.8236


I’m looking for a set of people that can accept me for who I am. I’m not a troll. I don’t just act like a crazy person for no reason. I do kind of have a potty mouth. I’m more into pvp than pve, but I enjoy both. My hours are weetahded so I’d like to find a group with a bunch of people that have some on at all hours. Like all mmo’s it is more fun to play with other like minded people, and I’m kinda tired of being alone.

I'm kind of an ashhole

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aye.8392


Hi Buddy,

Your post made me laugh. I don’t know why you didn’t get responses. I went and checked your posting history and you look like the kind of ashhole that would fit into AI.

Anyway, my guild doesn’t have a bunch of people on all the time and we do go to bed at some point during the night, but if you want to come hang out with us until you find your forever home I’d be happy to foster you.

We PvP most every night and we play open world PvE most every night too, but right now we aren’t doing lots of dungeons or fractals. I’m sure we’ll get back to it, but it’s not happening at the moment.

Check out the regular recruitment post and let me know if you want an invitation.

Sorrows Furnace