ANY RECRUITS that meet the requirements and pass initiation trial will be paid for a full transfer. We are currently in Aurora Glade
[II] is a WvW Focused guild looking to recruit serious and dedicated players that enjoy competitive fights and teamwork. We will be raiding/active from 7pm – 9pm gmt and maybe longer depending on the day. We raid 5 days per week from Sunday to Thursday with Friday/Saturday days off. We currently have a roster of 14 core players who have been playing together for quite some time in different guilds before we reformed together as II.
Guild Leader : knackers.8562 (Mr Tofu , Four รถ Four) – Former NA GvGer driver/commander
Officers: wemil.7052
Guild requirements :
-Dedicated to improve and work as a team
-Rep in raids and GvG is compulsory, and you will not get past trial without getting to know our entire team as a whole
-Changing builds to suit the team synergy
-Website registration (Build/strategy guides are there)
-Teamspeak 3 (MIC is compulsory for ALL players)
-Turning up for raids at least 4 ~ 5 times a week (Real life events is an exception)
-No drama, keep your kittenis to yourself
-Recording gameplay if required to
Who do we want :
-Mature and responsible players (We dont want to be chasing you around all the time)
-Friendly players
-Vocal players who are not afraid to give or recieve criticism, state opinions on guild synergy and changes that could be made
-Players experienced in GvGs
-Players experienced in WvW
What you will get :
-A small group of friendly and close players
-Class and Guild synergy training, Learning to hold on your own in smaller groups of 15 ~ 25 againts larger or better opponents
-Regular GvGs
-Regular raids
-Private teamspeak
-Tpvp / 1v1, 2v2 , 3v3 dueling
Trial Processing:
-Interview (Past experience, Class understanding, Life schedule for attendance)
-Duel 1v1 (You will be dueled by the guild leader or a member of the same class, you will be tested in understanding your opponent and adapting to their builds)
-2 weeks activity/personality check
What are we looking for :
-1 Necromancer
-1 Guardian
-1 Warrior
-2 Mesmers
-1 Killshot warrior/ranger
-1 d/d elementalist (High experienced required)