Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


A little light into who we are and how we came to be:

“Infamous Figures was born from the desire to create a healthy social environment while remaining competitive in the guild’s ability to clear content regularly and efficientely. We’re by no means a hardcore guild but nor are we casual in our approach, rather something in between. We strive for excellence in our performances as a group without resorting to humilliation as an educational tool for those that are new to whatever it is we are doing. We are not a farming train to be ridden and discarded afterwards, instead we’re a home for all those seeking the right kind of people to surround themselves with. We do not require total representation from our members, but expect them not to have attachments with other guilds that would hinder their ability to participate in our activities regularly.”

What we offer our members:

Our main focuses are dungeon speedclearing and fractals progression, we approach both with efficiency in mind as time is a valuable thing and often against us.
We pride ourselves on developing talent, anyone who sports the right attitude is worthy of guidance and assistance in maximizing his/her potential as a high-end PvE player. We’ve managed to turn newcomers to the MMORPG genre into dungeoneers that are up to our standards, so we’re confident in our ability to help people find their way. We encourage people to grasp a deeper understanding of why we do things a certain way and not have them memorize dungeon paths as a farmbot.
Despite our focus on efficient dungeon and fractals clears, we make sure our members are enjoying their experiences in their time with us. Dungeon clearing is not an ultra important national security matter to be handled with the utmost care to prevent catastrophic consequences, with enough experience and team chemistry players are able to be quite loose while running them. Apart from record breaking attempts there’s no reason to devote all of your concentration towards such.

What we expect from our members

We expect all of our members to have an open mind and be willing to try out different approaches to any phase of a dungeon or fractal. Forget everything you’ve learned in pugs, we’re far above that and when you join us so are you.
We enforce the usage of mumble, where at least listening to us is required to make sure everyone is on the same page and clear to what we’re about to do.
We encourage our members to speak their mind and suggest different ways of clearing content be them to make it more efficient or to add a little challenge to it, creativity is highly valued among us because without it PvE becomes a stale experience.
We expect our members to be willing to be part of our community, we don’t fancy people that only rep us during our runs and then go back to their usual environment with their pockets full. While we do not require total representation, we’re quite glad whenever somebody shows interest in us beyond that of only an easy farming train. As such if it comes down to it, more commited members will be given preference obviously.

Additional Information
Home World: Aurora Glade
Recruitment Focus: Any players from EU servers with the right mindset
Preferred VOIP: Mumble
Trial Period: None, our leaders notice if people are not participating in guild activities or disrupting them, in either case action will be taken to remove the negative impact from our community.

Class Preferences:
Warrior: High demand
Elementalist: High demand
Thief: High demand
Engineer: Low to medium demand
Guardian: Low demand
Mesmer: Very high demand
Ranger: Medium demand
Necromancer: Very low demand
(This list will be updated according to our needs and roster)

If you wish to join us contact me in-game or PM me in these forums or see our website for more information.

(edited by Veckna.9621)

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pilky.6108


Count me in, bare in mind I’ve only recently jumped in on this game but it’ll be in for the duration. I’ll throw msgs around at random ingame and hope they make it your way

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jacshado.4267


I wouldn’t mind joining, although I am a VERY low level. ~_~ just started playing

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jacshado.4267


Great how do i join

(edited by Jacshado.4267)

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Metronus.6359


Was hoping to join your ranks.
Posting here with the hopes that one of you might see it and get back to me.

Been on a break for a few months. So now i´m looking for a new community to take part in. Loved your post btw.

Now i don´t know what you´re currently looking for, but i have multiple 80´s.

The characters i play the most is:
Commander Guardian [Leeroy Battleborn] – Zerk Meta. Plenty of support and perma boon.
Dps Guardian [Titus Jaxson]- using Max dps build

I find myself playing these two the most. Switching between them depending on the need. After those two i spend alot of time playing on my Necro.

I spend most of my time in PvE. Levelling new alts, clearing temples, hopping on the champ-trains, etc.
I mostly enjoy dungeons and Guild missions/puzzles. Together with my fellow guildies.

When i feel i have the time i also try to sharpen my skills as a commander in WvW.

I am from Sweden. But i got a fair understanding of the english language
I´m a social guy, that tend to be a little shy in the start. But that usually doesn´t last long. As soon as i´ve gotten to know some people i tend to take as much part in the guild as possible.

Hope you guys see this and that you consider recruiting me.
See you in game. Metronus.6359
Take care.

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sandman.7019


how many members do you currently have? how active? and how do you feel about cross server guildmates? =)

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sandman.7019


if it didnt cost almost 200g to transfer, itd be an option thats too bad lol, thanks for the quick response

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Neoheart.2750


Yeah, I got rick rolled lol.

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Craig.1260


Hi guys,

I’d be keen. I’m a returning player after about 2years due to work commitments. . I’ve just kept my head down for a few weeks and got myself back into understanding whats what and all the changes. I’m now looking for somewhere to set up camp, definitely feel I still fit into the mentoring required section for any Dungeons! I mainly stuck about in WvW when I was playing before.

I’ve a lvl80 Mesmer and I’ve been poking about on an Elemental since I got back, lvl40ish now.

Sometimes you just have to accept that the fool training the mobs wont stop to help you

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: sweetcognac.2673


Hello thar, I’ve recently got back into guild wars after a long break; normally I’m happy just rolling around Tyria with a couple of mates but since I’ve maxed out my Thief (Quickthorpe) and I’m leveling my Mesmer (Scaramoosh) I’ve been looking for a larger group. If you could get back to me in game whenever you’re next online, so I can find out a little more about your guild, that would be much appreciated. Cheers.

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pygmi.9187


Can I have your attention, please? Still looking for more brave adventurers to join our ranks.

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: tonytoo.3589


I’d love to join. I have a level 80 Necromancer atm and am interested in doing PVE endgame and WvW type stuff.

What do I need to do?


Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nutter.5169


Hey, I’m Dan, havnt played GW2 since last september-ish and looking to get back involved.
My previous guild, being my own guild consisting of 2 other mates, is dead, and we never could do very much being so small.
So i want to join a new guild to be active in, mostly PvE, but i would like to try WvW or PvP since i have never had the chance to try it properly, guild missions seem really cool too…
I hope its not a problem but i would keep my old guild for its guild bank, other than that i will represent 100%
I have a lvl 80 Theif (Danny Haze) play him mostly, i havnt been on much to level my alts up War 50 something, Eng 30 something and Mes 22.
If anyone else is on the level grind i will usualy grab a level appropriate alt and join in, i also love dungeon runs, mostly TA, AC, CoF, at least those are the only ones i am good at with a theif.
I’m quite relaxed, looking to be more active with a guild, and generaly easy to get along with. Got a headset, if you use a TS channel or the like.
English speaking, british born, abnormal scheduel, i work nights, but i get every other weekend off, so :)
Anywho, give me a shout, or mayb i will catch one of you ingame?

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: glauber.5728


Hello you!

I’m new to GW2 – like totally new. I’m a former WoW player. I raided pretty hardcore some years ago, and I’m looking for a calm, friendly and fun enviroment to play in. Are you guys newcomer friendly? If so, I’d like to join!

Do you guys use TS? I so prefer talking when playing! Are you active on TS (if that’s what you use)?


Ingame: Newcomer to Guild Wars, looking for a Swedish/English guild on Aurora Glade!

IRL: Photo retoucher,

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: glauber.5728


Sounds good I’ll be on the whole day!

Ingame: Newcomer to Guild Wars, looking for a Swedish/English guild on Aurora Glade!

IRL: Photo retoucher,

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: tonytoo.3589


Thanks for letting me join! Really enjoying the fun and friendly people.

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pygmi.9187


Bump for great justice!

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Bump for great justice!

I second that.

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


*Bribes moderator to sticky thread*

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Bribes moderator to sticky thread

“Too rich for my blood” he said

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pygmi.9187


Off you go to the first page!

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Off you go to the first page!

How dare you bump this during my forced absence?

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Bump for great justice!

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Madness.5810


Hi there Infamous Figures,

Me and my GF has been gone for 2 years or so and are gonna get back into the game and downloading now as we speak.

We are gonna delete all our chars to be able to come on your home server and hopefully join your guild because thats the only reason why we are gonna delete it all and start new chars.

For as now we dont know a name we will use for our new main(s) so cant say what we will play just of yet or thename with it.

If you can tell us here if we can join you it would be awesome so that we wont delete all our chars for nothing for the new home world

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Madness.5810


Ow, this means you arent active anymore mates?

Infamous Figures(EU) - Social/Endgame PvE

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Ow, this means you arent active anymore mates?

We are of course, was just busy with stuff in-game and hadn’t read the forums yet today :P
You’ll both be welcome in our midst of course, but I’m not sure if deleting all your account’s characters makes you able to reselect your home world.
The only reason for you to have to be in our home world would be WvW and Guild Missions and for the latter you can just guest, any EU server is fine to join us for dungeons and fractals