IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Early this year, we had an exodus. It sucked. Life sucked for a while as we went on a downward spiral through the tiers and morale tended to sink.

Somewhere between here and the left turn at Albuquerque, we started finding our way again. Long story short, here’s some of the highlights, right now.

  • Strong oceanic coverage with enthusiastic WvW’ers(often considered a luxury in most servers).
  • A strong, growing WvW community that’s recently taken in several strong WvW guilds from other servers (who out of respect will remain nameless) in the last few weeks.
  • A very active MeatSpeak (Teamspeak 3) that stays drama free 95+% of the time.
  • Superior Siege that’s publicly funded for ALL our commanders as much as physically possible. Granted I have to get off my butt more, but our last siege drive included almost 2 full stacks of sup. ballistas, 2 full stacks of sup carts, 80+ sup. trebs, 50+ sup catas, 75+ sup rams, 50 alphas and about 20 omegas within 40 minutes. And that’s just what I saw myself. Other people grabbed all our blue siege and just turned it into purple seige so I’m not exactly sure what those #‘s were, but we had several stacks of everything. It’s a LOT, OKAY?!
  • Can you lead? We pay for your tag. Show us you can we’ll put you on the qeue for the next tag. We’ve paid for 6-7 of the last WvW commander tags almost exclusively out of public server donations. Monowrath got his tag a few days ago and after proving he’s ready for one, we went from 0-100 gold in 35 minutes. New record <3
  • A strong emphasis on Defensive play that revolves around the pug. Pug’s a broad term but generally anyone not doing a specific guild-focused team is a pug, so that includes tons of active WvW guildies anyway. THUS, we put a ton of emphasis on hero players making hero moves. You’re all the vertebrae in our backbone. We put a huge huge emphasis on scouting, clutch siege placement (SUPERIOR siege is a huge emphasis on IoJ) and good siege gunning.
  • A very very strong emphasis on keeping our borderlands clean. Even when there’s very few people in there
  • Strong emphasis on camp defense. This includes siege, all the way up to a superior ballista meat grinder. And we enjoy placement that encourages them to actually come INTO the camp, giving everyone more action and more kills once in ballista range.
  • Emphasis on not letting supply rot. Got extra supply in the EB keep? Let’s manufacture some golems and stage ’em!

There are just some of the examples of our play style that’s helped us grow. It centers around the Pug, and frankly we like it that way. We have some GvG action, not a whole lot but some, and yes some of us do fight clubs.

This week is an easy matchup for us, so i’ll have lots of downtime if you have general questions. Whisper me (nom x 5) or hit us up on teamspeak @

Thanks for puttin’ up with my paragraphs.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


IoJ IoJ IoJ!!!

Also, bump.

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Devanuze.8734


Moved here 7 days ago along with my guild RUN. Gotta say we’re happy we transferred. Excellent community, excellent WvW, awesome orginisation between guilds and commanders.

I highly recommend this server to guilds or people who are looking for good mid-tier fights.


Moose Mickelson. Golfing at its finest

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Bump, NumbersContinue to grow, Transfers still coming in, Guilds continually getting more organized.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: mexay.3902


What can I say?

IoJ is a fantastic server for community, PvE and WvW. We’re having transfer on a weekly basis. Our guilds are growing and becoming more organised.

We have a fully organised server forum and weekly Commander meetings to ensure we’re all on the same page. Guilds are also allowed a channel for their guild on teamspeak (as long as they use it), so you don’t even have to pay for your own TS.

I’ve personally been recommending this server to all my friends and have managed to get a few here. If you’re looking for a server with potential, this is it.

Oh and…

We have Oceanics. Lots.


IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Misty Red Rose.9320

Misty Red Rose.9320

Our guild has been on IoJ since day one and glad we stayed even during the great exodus when the free transfers ended. I watched IoJ crawl from the ruins and be matched up week after week with servers who out-numbered us 5-1 if it was a good week. Most of our commanders never gave up and IoJ began to crawl upwards and showed us how to defeat mobs with greater numbers. Great job to those commanders and guild members!!!

We are also happy to see some really great guilds that hopped over here and are helping IoJ win matches week after week.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Bumpaah! Hoping for a good reset night, cant wait

IoJ IoJ IoJ!!! Lols

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cynz.9437


maaan, watching how sbi and nsp were sieging our bay for hours and days was ridicious ~

i like how IoJ keeps own BL clean but i do wish we were more agressive after reset :/

probably best spent 1000 gems ever, love this server

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


If you are looking for a specific guild to join within IoJ, there’s several threads you can check on this forum that are very recent. If you’re a guild looking to transfer, drop me a mail in-game or something. Private messages might slip past me a day or two longer than you want xD

Also just paid for 2 commander tags in the last few weeks. Last donation drive consisted of around….650-700 pieces of superior siege for commanders to use.

Teamspeak has expanded to 250 players max.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Moved here 7 days ago along with my guild RUN. Gotta say we’re happy we transferred. Excellent community, excellent WvW, awesome orginisation between guilds and commanders.

I highly recommend this server to guilds or people who are looking for good mid-tier fights.



I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Utomneian.9013


my server fought yours quite a few times, and i gotta say, you make it hard to solo roam, lol.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


+1 50 or more player guild transferring within a week or so. We created a mule called Ioj All The Way as a bag mule for items you’d like to donate (rares, etc) to help with transfers. Eventually we’ll do some temple runs or something for a more public show of support for getting these guys transferred. Not gonna lie though, given the amount of support we ask our guys to do already with commander tag and superior siege donations, not sure how much else they’re able to do.

But they still try, kitten it <3

Yes it’s a horrible alt name, sue me.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Barbelo.5916


IOJ because we’re sexy. That’s it. Oh yeah, and I’m also guilty of paying for somebody else’s commander tag. Kind of regret it now but I was inspired by my server mates’ generosity.


IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: The Cats Pajamas.2641

The Cats Pajamas.2641

Great server, been here since November. Great commanders and wvw community. always find a great PuG in wvw and make friends


IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loken.9724


I hated IOJ for many months. Yet I now find my guild on IOJ.

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: rooney.7968


and now you will see how easy to love us it will be
great community we have here
hope you enjoy

[HOPE] Minoria Exaltada
Fort Aspenwood

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Just need to clarify something: With the # of guilds coming in, or have already come in, we are up hundreds of active WvW’ers. Not enough to make mind-numbing qeues, but enough to put us into the gold league easily before the leagues start, based on points. At least one more guild is slated to join us, 2-3 are discussion options, with who knows how many others eyeballing us that haven’t contacted us yet.

If you’re considering IoJ, know that you’d be considering the gold league. Thanks and plz contact with questions n’ such.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just need to clarify something: With the # of guilds coming in, or have already come in, we are up hundreds of active WvW’ers. Not enough to make mind-numbing qeues, but enough to put us into the gold league easily before the leagues start, based on points. At least one more guild is slated to join us, 2-3 are discussion options, with who knows how many others eyeballing us that haven’t contacted us yet.

If you’re considering IoJ, know that you’d be considering the gold league. Thanks and plz contact with questions n’ such.

Aye, We may still end up in silver, but know that with the RNG system of match ups we cannot promise we’d still be silver league, So be prepared for gold possibly.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Aye, We may still end up in silver, but know that with the RNG system of match ups we cannot promise we’d still be silver league, So be prepared for gold possibly.

Well the main reason i’m confident in gold is the fact that our population is growing so fast as people prep for leagues, our overall weekly scores will skyrocket as we get lopsided matchups the next few weeks ‘cause MoS can’t keep up with our current recruiting flow yet. Not to mention the very active recruiting of our existing guilds that have survived/formed after the exodus that are also growing.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: rooney.7968


for gold league we will need to get 120.000+ points in 2 weeks (already considering this week result) to pass BP….
I dont think it will happen, lets see

[HOPE] Minoria Exaltada
Fort Aspenwood

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


for gold league we will need to get 120.000+ points in 2 weeks (already considering this week result) to pass BP….
I dont think it will happen, lets see

Our toughest week recently was against SBI/DR, where SBI had a slight pop. advantage vs. us, and we were still in a defensive mindset and didn’t really push on offense as much when we could have. We still managed to get 200k points that week alone. Not really worried.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I highly doubt we will move to gold league, at least not for the first season.

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Gonna be real dissapointed if we don’t. We’ll just steamroll 3/4 of the servers in silver if we do, and that would just suck.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Yaks bend or BP will still be a good challenge. And hopefully we will get double teamed by other smaller servers to make it fun for us

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: KrimsonAce.4852


I need some honest, down to earth advice.

WvWvW is the only REALLY fun thing I still see in G.W.2. sPvP and PvE seem to get lonely, even on highly populated servers and guilds. For reference, I’m in a very popular guild on Gates Of Madness.

That said, GoM is TERRIBLE at WvWvW. We’re ranked 21st, and it’s been incredibly sad to go into our borderlands and see us only have control of 1/3rd of our camps. It’s no fun running around solo for half an hour, trying to do things, before being overwhelmed by a zerg of 40 players from another server.

Is a transfer worth it? Is there space for a single player (not an entire guild, just one person) to join IoJ, or something like it? Honestly, I just want a good WvW experience.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


I need some honest, down to earth advice.

WvWvW is the only REALLY fun thing I still see in G.W.2. sPvP and PvE seem to get lonely, even on highly populated servers and guilds. For reference, I’m in a very popular guild on Gates Of Madness.

That said, GoM is TERRIBLE at WvWvW. We’re ranked 21st, and it’s been incredibly sad to go into our borderlands and see us only have control of 1/3rd of our camps. It’s no fun running around solo for half an hour, trying to do things, before being overwhelmed by a zerg of 40 players from another server.

Is a transfer worth it? Is there space for a single player (not an entire guild, just one person) to join IoJ, or something like it? Honestly, I just want a good WvW experience.

Yes. absolutely.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: KrimsonAce.4852


Yes. absolutely.

I hope so. I’ll need to either drop $20 on this game, or somehow earn 47 gold to transfer. Server transfers are so expensive

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yes. absolutely.

I hope so. I’ll need to either drop $20 on this game, or somehow earn 47 gold to transfer. Server transfers are so expensive

Champ farm in frost gorge, Easy 50g in 2 days no problem.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: KrimsonAce.4852


I’ll try out the frost gorge tactic, hopefully it’ll work. Never tried champ farm trains before.

Also, Natronix, I apparently have a spam block on my inbox that prevents me from replying to your P.M. for the next 2 days. Which is odd, considering I’ve literally never sent a P.M. before. Essentially:


I’d love to! This honestly sounds like a great opportunity to play WvW the way I’d actually like to: in a fun, organized manner.

I’m currently only at 21 gold, so I’m trying to figure out how to financially fund the transfer to IoJ and [AR]. Any tips?


IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Another thing I need to point out:

Because we’ve had so many guilds come on to transfer in such a short period of time, there’s no way we can do any substantial fundraising for transfers. That’s just way out of our ballpark. Also it creates friction between current ioj players and newer/returning players that we don’t need here.

Also with the influx of extra commanders coming in, i’m mostly putting a hold on commander tag fundraising. So basically, if it’s IoJ fundraiser related, it’s going to superior siege. New commanders means new inventories to feed.

On top of that, we want our clutch players who know how to use D siege really well to have their own funded stockpiles of sup. siege too. Hope this clears up any questions.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


I’ll try out the frost gorge tactic, hopefully it’ll work. Never tried champ farm trains before.

Also, Natronix, I apparently have a spam block on my inbox that prevents me from replying to your P.M. for the next 2 days. Which is odd, considering I’ve literally never sent a P.M. before. Essentially:


I’d love to! This honestly sounds like a great opportunity to play WvW the way I’d actually like to: in a fun, organized manner.

I’m currently only at 21 gold, so I’m trying to figure out how to financially fund the transfer to IoJ and [AR]. Any tips?


Like Banzie said, Frostgorge champ train is a good place and so are quick dungeon paths for some money. Currently my guild cannot help that much for your transfer due to our list of ppl needing help to transfer over is pretty high. We can help you thought with at least 10g, pm me/buddy me in game so we can chat there when you can.

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Isle of Janthir’s finest!

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loken.9724


Just to point something rather frustrating out. Before you try and recruit a bunch of guilds, you should REALLY do something about your forums. Like REALLY.

Alaric the Sic level 3 guard
Founder of [SIC] and Commander.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Bump. Cant wait for silver league to start. We sure have to work for that #1 against YB

Hope we get paired up often with the highest in this league

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rob.7624


Just watching IoJ organize their zerg on our bl.

(We have the acs already setup!)


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


[BUNS] approved!


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joey.2769


Just to point something rather frustrating out. Before you try and recruit a bunch of guilds, you should REALLY do something about your forums. Like REALLY.

+1 fix the forums people can’t register and the home page is missing/broken.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just to point something rather frustrating out. Before you try and recruit a bunch of guilds, you should REALLY do something about your forums. Like REALLY.

+1 fix the forums people can’t register and the home page is missing/broken.

Not down missing or broken. Still waiting for Mia/Metal to put them back up after a Revamp of the forums. They’re on vacation I think >_<

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Bump. Now that the silver leagues has changed, IoJ sill be facing a lot of tough opponents. We will be having a lot of fun fights hopefully, just like this weeks match up

Commander Nachonix

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Server forum back up!!! Go check them out! Apologies on behalf of all of us for the long down time!

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: rooney.7968


visit our forums!

[HOPE] Minoria Exaltada
Fort Aspenwood

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


here’s another bump for mother janthir~


IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ARTHUSIMON.7481


About to enter silver league at first season with big expectations. If you are still looking for a new home where you can improve your WvW game or to have a place to reinvent your guild away from queues or drama, give us a shot. We are a multicultural server, with good Oceanic coverage and we offer all the bells and whistles: forums, TS, dedicated WvW guilds, etc..

Feel free to contact me in game if you’re looking to join us (Arthusimon)

Commander Arthusimon

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


We have some ques during peak NA time and peak oceanic.

Main thing we’re looking for are wvw-centric guilds, as we have a large population of oceanics, and plenty of oceanic commanders, but few oceanic guilds or structure. Our NA structure is top-notch…and we’re hoping to incorporate that with our lovely oceanics this season.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: HippoLogic.2519


We have a lot of wvw guild that are will to help with transfers we are not going to pay for everyone but will help your guild move here. Contact anyone in this thread and we will be able to vet you to the right person to talk to IOJ is a growing server we may not be a front runner for silver league here but you will never be the only guild on the battlefield. If you are looking for good even fights I think silver league NA is the place to be and IOJ is a great option please consider us. If you are lookking for a change a new home IOJ and a strong wvw community come to IOJ.

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: kraedek.6472


Bump Bump Bump

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ARTHUSIMON.7481


Fast, you still have a chance, transfer to IoJ and change the way you play WvW. If you are thinking that you want more and are frustrated at your server for giving up when outmatched, emoting wildly when winning or porting just in front of a huge Zerg, then come to us. We have guilds that range from those that raid daily to those that actually like PvE.

We are looking to improve our EU and Oceanic coverage in time for season 1. We are not asking for anyone to carry the server as we already have the infrastructure, just looking to expand on it. Come, write your story on IoJ and make a name for you and your guild.

Feel free to contact me in game or pm on the forums for any info

Commander Arthusimon

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: bokkieskitten.8023


Kind, loving and supportive community.
Fun and super awesome!
IoJ is [BUNS] approved!

Don’t be silly, transfer today!

-Missus Honeybuns


Her Majesty Lillium Honeybuns, Queen of IoJ[BUNS]
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.