Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: junglizm.5843


Isle of Janthir has a long history of fighting tooth and nail to sustain itself in the upper ranks of competitive servers. Our server has endured one of the toughest positions in WvW. For most of the month of September, we endured brutal fights against Tier 1 servers that had rotated out of T1 for a fresh match up. With their overwhelming T1 coverage, our guilds faced unrelenting masses week after week.

October brought new hope for Isle of Janthir. A decisive victory in T2 and a small influx of new blood, with guilds like Team Legacy [TL] bolstering our server. Our respite proved to be fleeting however, as power house guilds from now prominent servers moved up the ranks. A single week in T1 proved to be virtually identical to the T2 matches we had grown so used to. And endless flow of reinforcements clawing down our towers and keeps as we tried to scrounge whatever points we could.

This hard march though the Mist War’s upper ranks proved a double edged sword. Guilds like Avatar Dynasty [AVTR], Never Die [ND] and Valor [RUN] became efficient killing machines, learning from the tactics of their enemies and adapting themselves to fight against larger numbers with ruthless efficiency. On the other hand, 1 clear victory over the course of many months and a very brief trip into T1 was slowly taking its toll on the server. Guilds who will not be named here, took to looking for greener pastures. Some looked up the ranks, in search of more consistant action. Others looked down the ranks, in an attempt to gain notoriery by lifting a lower ranked server to new heights. Some prominent commanders took indefinite leaves of absence and with no prospect of talented relief to help pick up the slack when they are not around. The harsh reality of facing top tier competition, lightly armed and with massive coverage gaps has been bleeding our server dry. Only the battle hardened veterans remain as we press on.

Even the most seasoned veterans are susceptible to burnout though and Isle of Janthir is currently in a brutal T3 battle, trying to claw its way back to the upper tiers. Last week, we finished 2nd, after a desperate battle kept the margin between the server to less than 20k between 1st, 2nd and 3rd, the closest match across all server pairings. This weeks battle is even closer, with margins of victory still within 10k between each server, still maintaining the most pitched battle across all servers.

If you are interested in a hard fighting, proven WvW community with more high level experience than man power, you can come check out our community at forums:

We maintain high guild participation in weekly WvW planning meetings.

We also hold occasional tactical discussion meetings with high guild participation scheduled as needed.

Isle of Janthir is no stranger to coverage holes. What we do have:
-A very strong contingent of East Coast NA players.
-One of the most coordinated Oceanic Crews in WvW.
-We also host one of the most dedicated Asian WvW guilds in the game.
-A number of international guilds that field small teams around the clock.

Our West Coast NA and Euro coverage gaps have always been vast. Considering our gaps, I am amazed we have maintained our ranking for as long as we have.

But enough talk, if you wanna see what Isle of Janthir is about check out the following vidoes:

Avatar Dynasty [AVTR] doing some mesmer bombing

Some mixed group and solo action with Armored Fist [FIST]

Flashypants from Armored Fist [FIST] trolling a enemy commander

Crazy Golem Action in Eternal Battleground

You might be thinking we are empty war torn server bereft of humor, then your catch one of our illustrious Valor [RUN] commanders playing Jingle Bell’s in Lion’s Arch

I am not going to turn this into long list of guild shoutouts as Isle of Janthir guilds need no such accolades. We have all worked hard developing our community and we have faith in our leadership but every server could use a bump in man power. We have no desire to be catapulted to T1 by a mass exodus of prominent guilds. What we do desire, however, is players willing to face challenging matches in a veteran community that often faces uphill battles.
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


WvW is attritionl warfare and it’s burning people out

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

Is Team Legacy still with IOJ?

Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: junglizm.5843


All guild in my post are still very active on IOJ, in addition to many other unlisted guilds.
Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


During all of our NA and Oceanic Prime time yesterday we held the lead in points incoming. Just need a euro guild and a west coast na guild to help fill the voids. Though any player or guild is more then welcome

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Is Team Legacy still with IOJ?

Oh and TL with the help of Run smashed most of cd bl two days ago and made it to the lords room in there garrison though cd’s sheer numbers at that point shut them down

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Boulderbolg.3460


T3 sounds like a great tier to play in right now actually! Good luck with recruitment!

GL for Team Riot [RIOT] on Blackgate NA – Small Group WvW Focused

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Any Aussies timezone players looking for a server to w3 on but missing the ability to be understood when they communicate should take a look at IoJ. It was nominated the unofficial Aussie server by the coalition of guilds Website (cant remember which one) so it has bucket loads of us here both a healthy pve and w3 pop.

I have been here since I started playing the game 3 or 4 weeks after release and won’t be going anywhere ever. Absolutely love it here.

As an Aussie living in North America it means I can have the best of both worlds here, hang with my Aussie friends if i stay up late and hang with the us crew during normal hours.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Freelancer.4526


Is Team Legacy still with IOJ?


Tales of Tyria | Team Legacy |

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rskippy.3620


(Snipped for readers sake)

I have been on IoJ since day one and i can honestly say it’s been an honour to fight with such a great server, and alongside some of the best guilds and commanders i could ask for. Many of these commanders (and their comrades) have seen the ups and downs of our server, from the clawing our way up to tier 1 and fighting it out there, to our slow descent to tier 3 which came after we lost a number of well respected guilds in our community.

That being said the guilds that have moved on have their reasons and we all held (and still do hold) high respects for those guilds and the work they put in to the server. Also great respect to the guilds hanging in there and fighting for IoJ, Guilds like ND, uA, DRGN, Hel, TL, RUN, And of course the WvW guild i belong to, AVTR (I am sure many others i can’t recall off the top of my head right now)

All in all it would be nice to see more people / guilds coming to join our ranks, Given we have a fairly solid oceanic presence and quite a decent NA presence IoJ would make a good home for almost any time zone, and who knows perhaps some of these time zone holes can be filled.

(edited by Rskippy.3620)

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


Well our teams or doing well, we increased the gap between second and third now just got to catch up to cd. Now all we need is a strong euro guild and more western na, though all are welcome. Come join in the fun.

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


It’s not like we see a queue pretty much ever. Once in a blue moon.

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ryx.5476


I love IOJ’s Wv3 Community, we may be outmanned but we are never outgunned.

May Dwayna blaze you.. #420

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: JPSnow.8296


As the weeks coming to end no time better then now to get for a fresh weeks start. Get in before the server fills

JPSnow (main) – Necro, Sir Mezalot – Mesmer
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: kraedek.6472


I’ve just recently started playing, some erratic clickfest rpg pulled me away from gw2, its been 8 months and I see IoJ is still struggling, can someone direct me to where the discussions are as seems to be down.

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


Congratulations, you have gotten better at resurrecting obsolete topics! (100)

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hahah sad thing is this guy probably xferred off as well I haven’t seen his name in any match up threads. Anyways nice necro of the thread. is still up, registration is closed as they are revamping most of the website.

Edit: yep I check he’s on FA now :p

Isle Of Janthir

Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Hahah sad thing is this guy probably xferred off as well I haven’t seen his name in any match up threads. Anyways nice necro of the thread. is still up, registration is closed as they are revamping most of the website.

Edit: yep I check he’s on FA now :p

^ forums are still up but the website is getting reworked


Isle of Janthir: Tale of the Outmanned Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: kraedek.6472


Haha thank you thank you, but I don’t think this topic is obsolete as of 2 days ago, never played much till recently.