[JQ] LF large/active guild for PvE content
Hi there Nexus,
Sounds like Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry might be a good fit for you. We’re a medium-sized guild, with about 250 total members. We typically have 40-50 people online throughout the North America day and evening.
We’re a PvX guild, primarily with an emphasis on PvE. Throughout the day, you’ll find dungeon groups forming, people doing world bosses, participation in any Living World content when there is some, etc. We also have a strong presence at JQ’s daily Tequatl kills (still going strong despite megaservers) and in fact we will be hosting a 5pm server kill for JQ on Thursdays starting this week.
We also hold guild missions twice a week — Saturday nights and Wednesday nights.
We do have individuals who are interested in and frequently do sPvP and WvW, in case you want to try out those game modes.
It’s no problem if you’re new to any group content you want to try. Our members are very happy to teach if you let them know that you don’t have a lot of experience. We do use Mumble for voice communication (free and open source) which I think will help you get to know the guild community and to make it easier for things to be explained to you.
You’re welcome to give us a try, and no hard feelings if you decide we’re not for you.
I’ll follow up with a message in-game when I get on in a couple of hours.