Jingo [JO] - EU guild recruiting

Jingo [JO] - EU guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: DarkAngel.2085


Jingo, a guild my friend and I built pretty much single(or two)-handedly. We have a deep cave and practice bounties but we are looking to open up more guild events and get commendations. For this reason we wish to expand our ranks quite a bit. We play quite regularly – me more than him – and are as helpful as we can be, whether it be general questions, help with gear, reaching that pesky vista or finding and completing jumping puzzles.

We keep the bank stocked with runes and food and do dungeons (story, explorable and fractals) and pvp (mostly ww) quite often. If you’re interested in joining us and being part of a growing and active guild please message me in-game (DarkAngel.2085).

We already have several members, most of which represent sporadically, but I am hoping to find players who will devote quite a bit of attention to our guild. However, this is not a prerequisite to joining. I look forward to hearing from you guys.