Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: bestplayerEva.9301


Looking for the best TC guild. Tired of getting shoved in a trash can? Then run in EB with Tork. See what it is like to be part of the best. We never lose a fight. We turn all enemies into lumps of coal. We are on constant vigil 24/7. 1 Tork is worth 3 enemies. Once you run with us in EB you will want to join us I am sure.


Admins please close this thread to further comments. Thanks. My lawyer says if you don’t act and close this thread to comments I can sue.

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: Green Arrow.5689

Green Arrow.5689

Wow. Way to kitten off the rest of your server. You guys do a good job but seriously you might want to change the post title

Green Arrow -The United Nations of HEL

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: Avenge.1478


Wow. Way to kitten off the rest of your server. You guys do a good job but seriously you might want to change the post title

No reason to be offended, because it’s certainly not HEL in the top spot.

~ [DN] Digital Nemesis ~ Tarnished Coast ~
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: bestplayerEva.9301


Sorry. It was in jest. I thought I put in, sprinkled um in there. well its in jest.
One day we may be the best tho.

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joey.2769


Tork are also ridiculously handsome individuals.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Tork are pain in the kitten to kill. GL on your recruitment and making T1 highly competitive

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Join the best TC Guild. Join Tork

in Looking for...

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

I’m not in TORK, but I am on TC and I run my own sexy guild /coughcough, but I will say I love fighting along side these guys in EB. Very fun and handsome group. If you are looking for a WvW guild, definitely check ’em out.

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]