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Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read. This is an advertisement for Ferguson’s Crossing. As many may know, there was a mass exodus from the server not to long ago. We have been rebuilding over the past month or so, and an interesting turn of events has taken place. Since many “band wagoned” to DR and DB, after the smoke cleared so to speak, we were left with a very skilled and determined group of core WvWvW players/leaders. We have proven in our skill group fights time and time again in the last few match ups that our combat tactics are superior in our tier. If we had the population to sustain such enormous amounts of PPT as the stacked servers that we’ve been getting matched up against all the time, I truly believe that we would be unstoppable. Join us in FC! Help us realize this server’s full potential!

below I have listed some of our more WvWvW focused guilds:

[Lion] Eternal Loyalty
|Great players, hands down good and friendly people. Some of the most skilled commanders and skill groups on the server reside within this guild.

[Maki] Love Live
|Serious and dedicated. I’ve made a lot of friends very quickly within this guild, and it is my experience that there is no one that they will not assist in becoming better at the variant of WvWvW.

[Nors} The Brutal Enclave
|Very friendly and community oriented. Definition of Havoc. We organize hammer trains and skill groups. We conquer. Nuff said.

[FOE] Foes Of Evil
|Great leadership! I’ve always found that members of this guild stay focused and on task.

[DRK] Dodge Roll Kingdom
|A quickly growing guild in FC. Very friendly and lax group of players. I’ve always found their members to be cool calm and in control.

[varX] Limitless Potential

(edited by Brutal Augus.5917)

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Posted by: Schyloe.2953


We’ve lost many of our WvW players after WvW Season 2 but we are still strong. We have great WvW leaders that are on our team speak wvw channels, we just need more numbers, defiantly for Night crew

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Posted by: Wreakin.2019


While it may be a tough time for FC due to lack of coverage and with people transferring out, our community is stronger than ever and we’ll grow again. Everyone is super friendly and always helpful, there’s no infighting within the server or guilds. Don’t have to be a strictly WvW, we welcome any and all to join us.

Join the skilled. Join the determined.

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Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

Most importantly, all the guild drama is gone. All of it transferred. Now more than ever it would seem that all guilds in FC communicate and work well together. People are more encouraged to WvW from public channels, as opposed to sitting in their guild channels. Communication overall is improving, and as more and more HKT and Oceanic timezoners move here, coverage is slowly improving as well.

[varX] Limitless Potential

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Posted by: MisterFox.4208


Great post Brutal ! Thank you for taking the time to write this.

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Posted by: Jdawg.4257


WOWZERS. I was about to in turn bump this post until stumbling upon all the comments.
What guild drama transferred off? I’m so confused my head might spin.
Please explain.

[aP] Animalistic Bonz – Dragonbrand

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Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

WOWZERS. I was about to in turn bump this post until stumbling upon all the comments.
What guild drama transferred off? I’m so confused my head might spin.
Please explain.

Ah come on man, you know you guys and a certain other guild had a lot of negativity toward each other. I didn’t mention names…but its true man…don’t take it personally, I’m just trying to encourage people to come to FC.

[varX] Limitless Potential

(edited by Brutal Augus.5917)

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Posted by: handbanana.6901


As far as I’m concerned, the WVW community in FC feels more like a big guild than a number of different guilds, and that’s what’s gotten me into WVW more. I used to just run around big numbers of people and feel insignificant, and most of the time I didn’t know what I was even doing. It’s just different now.

I assure you moving to FC will be worth it.

Join the skilled. Join the determined.

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Posted by: Soul SilverRose.6351

Soul SilverRose.6351

WvW has been on the rise. While our coverage could use some work and we could use a few more bodies on night crew, the overall friendly nature between guilds and the cooperation put forth by each individual has improved and has been making us stronger. The recent matchups have been a lot of fun. As long as we continue along this path and bringing in new people, the future looks bright for FC. While my guild is a PvX guild, we are strongly working on our WvW numbers and are very interested in players that share our interest. FC is the place to be.

Soul Silver-Rose
[CCS] The Chaos City Saints
Founder & Leader

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Posted by: redzerofighter.2381


The community on the server is very nice. Out of all the servers I have been on, I feel that Ferguson’s Crossing’s community is the best – in general, people are very polite and friendly. We have a lot of room to grow, and most importantly, I’ve seen that our guilds are very determined to push to rebuild our WvW community.

Umi Sonoda
Guild leader of Love Live [Maki]
Ferguson’s Crossing [NA]

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Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

It is inevitable. FC will grow to be the Titan it once was, perhaps even better. Our core group is determined. Our coverage is improving. It won ’t happen over night, but if things persist and continue as is…our growth is inevitable.

[varX] Limitless Potential

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Posted by: VIK.6205


FC is in the same position as many servers outside of T1 and T2, coverage is detrimental, and the seasons even more so. Where T1 and T2 can pay 30k gold for a guild transfer where the rest of us have to post on forums to say how OP our community is.

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Posted by: ZkotakNivex.9641


Feeling negligible and unimportant when fighting in huge zergs is no more when you play in FC! Every individual playing in FC will feel like he/she really contributes something to the server as all guilds now work together in harmony to strengthen our ranks. (Don’t worry about fun, you will always have it when you fight with us!)

As one of the night runners in WvW, I personally feel we could use more timezone coverage in our server. But after we get the numbers, and with high determination we always have, we will conquer!!

Join us, and we will welcome you to our friendly FC community!

Sonozaki Rena – Knockback/Interrupt medi guard
Sonozaki Rika – uncatchable thief
[Maki] LoveLive!

(edited by ZkotakNivex.9641)

Join the skilled. Join the determined.

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Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

Whether you are an experienced WvW vet, or a new player seeking to learn tactics and climb the ranks, FC is a good place to call home. People are friendly and supportive, regardless of the scenario!

[varX] Limitless Potential

Join the skilled. Join the determined.

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Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

bumpily bump bump
/15 chars /15 chars /15 chars

[varX] Limitless Potential

Join the skilled. Join the determined.

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Posted by: redzerofighter.2381


Great start to our weekend for the tournament! Nice seeing new faces!

Umi Sonoda
Guild leader of Love Live [Maki]
Ferguson’s Crossing [NA]

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Posted by: Reynoldswrap.9362


Hey guys! I just transferred to FC about a month ago to play with some friends over here. We had a small roaming group – [Kill] Mercykillerz. Unfortunately, they’ve pretty much ditched me to go play Archeage, so I’m looking for some other people to WvW with! I’m usually on nights and weekends, so whisper me in game or let me know who I can talk to.

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Posted by: Cakemeister.5792


Skilled at nightcapping, perhaps.

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Posted by: Asglarek.8976


It begs the question,“Why would you want to grow and lose everything you have now?” You can’t have it both ways…really you can’t.