Just got GW2 Looking for Guild and Friends...

Just got GW2 Looking for Guild and Friends...

in Looking for...

Posted by: woofdang.6397


I am just now starting to play GW2 as of today Oct 19th and have no clue what I am doing. I’ve not sat down and read this giant book and other printed stuff my son got for me yet but will eventually. Right now the game seems dead, at least in the starter areas and a lot of the interface does not make sense. So I was hoping someone could help me out and perhaps even point me in the direction of a Guild that recruits new players and is friendly.

Also any advice on which class is best to learn GW2 in would be great! As well as how I can find other players so I’m not alone.


- W

Just got GW2 Looking for Guild and Friends...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Xian Seishin.2149

Xian Seishin.2149

Hi there, what server are you on?

Just got GW2 Looking for Guild and Friends...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Oremir.8027


Hey there, hope you can find help as soon as possible!

I dont intend to offend but you’re putting this in the wrong sub-forum. This Forum is soley for Guilds looking to recruit, this post actually bellongs in the Looking For Guild Sub-Forum

It might also be a good idea to make people aware of what server you reside in.

Again, hope you find help asap!

(edited by Oremir.8027)