[KAOS] Anvil Rock WvW

[KAOS] Anvil Rock WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


[KAOS] Killing As Organized Sport is holding open recruitment on Anvil Rock WvW.
About the guild:
The guild was created by roamers for roamers. As time has gone on, we have become a fairly recognizable tag in the Anvil Rock WvW scene. Basically we are are mature guild(using the term loosely) that likes to get out in WvW mix it up and have some fun.
Things we are not:
We do not consider ourselves an “elite” WvW guild. We go out, we fight, and sometimes we win, sometimes we don’t. We don’t get hung up on losing fights, we try and learn from them.
We are not exclusive. You want to play a ranger? We’ll work it in and find a way to make it work. We don’t try to mold play style, but we may offer suggestions/advice if you ask for it.
We don’t have drama, it’s a game after all. No reason to take things personally.
What we do have:
Some extremely skilled players that USUALLY leave their egos in check.
Good communication/adaptation to situational changes.
Regular core players throughout the day.
TS3, we don’t require it, but we do recommend it.
Web site. Someone has to run anvilrockserver.com.
A few guild bonuses here and there. We figure if you choose to rep, no reason you shouldn’t get a little extra MFind
No rep requirement/raid requirements. Players have real lives, and that needs to be respected.
If you are looking for a solid core WvW group on Anvil Rock hit me up either through /w or in game mail.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

[KAOS] Anvil Rock WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


You could also hit up Ruru, Timcrusher, Dr Diddle, Glitterkitty, Mixx Soldier, Wooz, Mariticide, Seraphina … etc etc or anyone with the [KAOS] tag over their head for information/invite.
Our current goal is to put together a fairly regular 10 man where we can run some havoc and assist larger guilds when a call comes out through TS.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport

[KAOS] Anvil Rock WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dovgan.8605


Still looking for Anvil Rock players who want to get into WvW or are just looking for a group to head out with.

Dovgan lvl 80 Ranger
[LPC] [KAOS] – Killing As Organized Sport