[KnT] Knights of the Temple | Blackgate | WvW

[KnT] Knights of the Temple | Blackgate | WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


Here is some basic information about the guild:

Leaders: Riven The Exile (Esoteric.5490), Vic Almighty (Vic.1754)
Guild: Knights of the Temple [KnT] (Knight Gaming)
Server: Blackgate
Members: 400+ (All Active)
Focus: WvW
Time Zones: NA and Oceanic (Some EU players as well)
VOIP Capacity: 1000-slot TS3
Upgrades: All upgrades. Rolling in merits and influence.
Website: http://KnightGaming.enjin.com

[KnT] Knight Gaming, known in GW2 as Knights of the Temple, is an international, friendly, and competitive gaming community. In GW2, we are a WvW focused guild on the Blackgate server. We raid 3-4 times a week fielding 40-60 players with 100 members online during NA prime every day and 15-30 players with 60-70 online during Oceanic prime. We are highly active from 3pm to 3am server time daily, encompassing 12 hours of play. KnT also has fun, scheduled guild events and runs Guild Missions 3 times a week at varying times so that all time zones can participate. We are also part of a server-wide coalition of guilds dedicated to organized WvW play. Recruitment is currently restricted to veteran, experienced players and friends/family of current guild members. If you are applying, we look for exceptional individuals that really want to be a part of our community; make sure you put effort and thought into an application if submitting.

Our guild is a pillar of the Blackgate community and we have built this server from Day 1 to our current levels of success. If you are looking for the best place to WvW on Blackgate, look no further.

We pride ourselves on the quality and character of the members that are part of our community. We also play Battlefield 4 and League of Legends with more games to come. If you are looking to be part of a friendly, mature community for the long term, please give us a look.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM – http://KnightGaming.enjin.com
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

(edited by Esoteric.5490)

[KnT] Knights of the Temple | Blackgate | WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: flickky.2634


Not only is our NA core full of awesomesauce people, but we have Oceanics too! Especially if you’re a New Zealander, KnT would be the perfect place for you. <3

Flickky / Landsplash
[TwitchTV] [Twitter]
Oceanic Leader of [KnT] Knights of the Temple ~ Blackgate