LF Beserking guild, fast, good dungeon runs.
Note on kitten guild, I swore and I guess thats how they correct swearing? My bad word to kitten XD amusing.
Duuude, you’ll be perfect with us. I just hope you’re on an EU server but the connection with DnT might leave me disappointed.
Trying my luck:
here’s a short guild intro: http://auroragla.de/forum_threads/1670170
And here’s where to go if you’re interested: http://quagganstolemybike.enjin.com/recruitment
Thank you so much for your reply! But I am on NA server. Ridiculously hard to find a zerk guild. I am helping a really friendly guild out at the moment get into zerking. Hopefully I can get them on par soon with the meta builds and don’t have to worry about applying to some elitist kitten guild XD Can invite anyone who wants to learn how to do good runs and not expect people to be good first before they have to apply and wait on some kitten trial period. Yes,kittenelitist guilds out there.