LF Casual PVE Guild - Isle of Janthir

LF Casual PVE Guild - Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: silverhawk.4039


Hi everyone! I’m looking for a casual PVE guild on Isle of Janthir. I have a ranger who just hit level 80. I am looking to do mostly PVE and some WvWvW.

Please message/mail me in game or reply here if your guild is recruiting.

Thank you! =)

LF Casual PVE Guild - Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: Noelemahc.7842


I used to be on Isle of Janthir. I’d recommend looking up POOH. Mia Lourdes is one of the guild leads so you should look out for her, as well as Metal Wing. They are a pretty cool bunch of people. Laid back and PvE focused. Some of them do WvW as well. If for some reason you have trouble getting a hold of one of them, post here: http://isleofjanthir.net/forum/forum.php . You will definitely grab someone’s attention on the IoJ forums.

Hella Pro [Pro] | Guild Leader | Tarnished Coast Commander
Scarlet Vera/Isobel Crowley/Alistar Reinhelm

LF Casual PVE Guild - Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: BoboForShort.9756


I’m one of the guild officers for Hundred Acre Wood [POOH]. If you don’t mind I’ll just go ahead and send you an invite.