LF Dungeon speedrun guild?

LF Dungeon speedrun guild?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Selsi.9675


I am seeking a dungeon speedrun guild that requires near constant rep and requires meta DPS builds. I’m not super interested in going for record-setting or anything like that (but would be okay with participating, I guess.) I am just looking for a guild that is interested in fast, efficient dungeon tours. I would call myself incredibly experienced with ac 1/2/3, cm 1/2/3, TA F-U, SE 1/3, CoF 1/2, HotW 1, and CoE 1/2/3, and relatively experienced (only because I’ve had no success ever finding like-minded groups) with Arah 2/3. I’m not looking for an “LFG” guild. I am looking for a community. Large guild preferred, so that there’s always someone online and looking to have a go. In game mail would be the #1 place to contact me, but I’ll be checking in here as well. Willing to do tryouts,

For the MOST part, I am unable to speak in voice coms.

I do however have a few simple callout methods I use regularly for various things.

edit: TC home server, possibly (unlikely) willing to transfer.

Girls can be toxic, too! Let me prove it to you!~

(edited by Selsi.9675)