[LF][EU| Gandara] Looking for a roaming guild

[LF][EU| Gandara] Looking for a roaming guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Logicx.5832



longtime GW2 player here who’s mainly into WvW.
I currently (still) am a member of the infamous [WvW] Underworld Batallion and follow the occasional zergs on Gandara.

I would love to join a small scale WvW focussed guild though that runs occasional havoc groups / roam groups as I would love a bit more of a challenge and I would love to get better at smaller scale fights.

As the title states I’m on Gandara [EU]

Feel free to contact me ingame or here if you’ve got a guild with active roam groups!

Zwartwerk – Human Mesmer
Gandara [EU] – Old & returning player