LF EU LGBT+ friendly raiding Guild

LF EU LGBT+ friendly raiding Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: eNeRgOo.5463


Hello everyone!
I am looking for Guild that is LGBT-friendly, where I can find squad for raiding, finish the first wing finally and meet nice people to enjoy the game together and work on second wing, future raids, events, fractals and other PVE content too.
Defenitely I am NOT looking for Guilds where there’s a group of friends that care only about themselves and talk bad about other members. All guild people should play together, free of drama. I am also into Scribing and would like to decor the Guild Hall. Being Scriber without being able to decor things I put my money to is one big no go for me.

1) I am European player so I look for European Guilds as well :>
2) I am playing Tempest, full ascend zerk. I also have Chronomancer full ascend zerk as well, but can change my second gear into other stats!
3) Killed Vale Guardian, and Gorseval several times. Stuck at Sabetha.
4) I know both English and Polish.
5) You don’t have to be LGBT, just open minded please. I am sick of hearing that I should burn in hell etc.

I think – that’s it! Pm me in-game or send me mail there!
Thank you.
See you!

LF EU LGBT+ friendly raiding Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guardian of Angels.9867

Guardian of Angels.9867

Hey there eNeRgOo,

I think you’d appreciate the ambience in WTNF. Besides that we’ve got two raid events, one for practice and one for “getting stuff done”.

A bit about us:
When The Night Falls [WTNF] is an Dedicated PvE Guild with players also doing PvP, only a few do WvW.
We’d like to see ourselves as an Casual / Family type of Guild, where players are valued by their Attitude and Personality.

If you’ve got any questions left, feel free to contact me or visit our website:


aka Holy Blood Guardian
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg