LF Friendly Guild(Main PvE, S.H., EU)”
Hey Dantert,
Maybe The Messengers Quest is something for you? We’re a guild that is friendly and focused on the ‘’playing together’’ part of the game. Currently TMQ has around 40 members with a core group of 15 that are enjoying the game together which includes helping each-other out with leveling/playing and all the PvE content.
Below you find some information on the guild, love to hear from you!
Much regards,
Some Guild Information
The Messengers Quest is friendly Europe based social guild. We promote a fun, mature atmosphere that allows a good group of people to come together to enjoy Guild Wars 2 in all of it’s many aspects. We do have our own voice-comm server (via discord) and a website with forums to keep it touch with the [TMQ] community. W’re looking for a diverse group that can participate in: Dungeons, Exploration, Questing, PvP, helping each-other out and soon Raids.
[TMQ] welcomes all players be it starters or veterans, we are active in all areas of the game from PvP to dungeons, from dragon hunting to guild missions. The only thing we ask in return from our members is that they’re actively taking part and contributing in the guild instead of ‘’being just a name on the roster’’.
[TMQ] is different to many other guilds, we want to do more than just play together and kill things, although we do love killing things! We want to be more than just a guild; we want to create a community for all types of players, serious and casual. As a Europe based Guild, TMQ uses CET (GTM +1) for planning our events, dungeons, missions, etc., therefore the Guild’s Prime Time is around 19.00h CET – 01.00h CET.
Check our website, pm(IG) or reply for more information
*Website: www.tmquest.ga
*Whisper: Panch.6718 or Poppedijntje.3106
nb. All join requests/applications go via our website.
Hey Dantert,
Maybe The Messengers Quest is something for you? We’re a guild that is friendly and focused on the ‘’playing together’’ part of the game. Currently TMQ has around 40 members with a core group of 15 that are enjoying the game together which includes helping each-other out with leveling/playing and all the PvE content.
Below you find some information on the guild, love to hear from you!
Much regards,
Some Guild Information
The Messengers Quest is friendly Europe based social guild. We promote a fun, mature atmosphere that allows a good group of people to come together to enjoy Guild Wars 2 in all of it’s many aspects. We do have our own voice-comm server (via discord) and a website with forums to keep it touch with the [TMQ] community. W’re looking for a diverse group that can participate in: Dungeons, Exploration, Questing, PvP, helping each-other out and soon Raids.
[TMQ] welcomes all players be it starters or veterans, we are active in all areas of the game from PvP to dungeons, from dragon hunting to guild missions. The only thing we ask in return from our members is that they’re actively taking part and contributing in the guild instead of ‘’being just a name on the roster’’.
[TMQ] is different to many other guilds, we want to do more than just play together and kill things, although we do love killing things! We want to be more than just a guild; we want to create a community for all types of players, serious and casual. As a Europe based Guild, TMQ uses CET (GTM +1) for planning our events, dungeons, missions, etc., therefore the Guild’s Prime Time is around 19.00h CET – 01.00h CET.
Check our website, pm(IG) or reply for more information
*Website: www.tmquest.ga
*Whisper: Panch.6718 or Poppedijntje.3106nb. All join requests/applications go via our website.
Sounds good! I just applied, waiting for the response