LF Guild - Anvil Rock

LF Guild - Anvil Rock

in Looking for...

Posted by: Techyo.6732



I recently just restarted playing, I tried the game when it was in beta, but never moved forward, currently at level 40 and been loving the game so far. I play TPvP and WvW a lot and have been interested in trying some PVE.

Looking for an active guild willing to take on someone new that can excel quickly. I used to play wow back in the day so its been an easy adjustment.


LF Guild - Anvil Rock

in Looking for...

Posted by: RustyEyeballs.8927


:P Pretty much in the same position as ^ this person however, I managed to get a elementalist to 80 and dumped the character (don’t enjoy elementalist) Currently, I am leveling a warrior(at 40 now).

If I was to do WvW, I would NOT be interested in zerging (aka parties of 5+ people). A guild that PvP’s a bunch and uses the experience booster is a plus.