LF Guild (Yak´s Bend)
Hi there!
The Remnants of Hope is based on Tarnished Coast and offers PvX, RP, and WvW while maintaining a fun and social atmosphere in ts3 and guild chat. We don’t really have a mold for you to try and fit to. The biggest asset in the guild is the community. We have several different aspects that you can play in or just hang out with us in guild chat and/or ts3 and do nothing. Whatever makes the time that you have to game the best!
We welcome all levels/classes/play styles/ etc. If you like to have fun and want a good guild to hang out with and play with then we are it!
If you would like to know more (and guesting/transferring is an option) please visit http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and/or send me a message in game.
Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope
Hey there, I recently returned to the game and Im looking for a group of people to have fun with (mainly at pve stuff but Im up for anything really), I have an engi and a warrior lvl 80. Thanks!
You sound like you might be a good fit for my guild, The Cavalry, which is on Yak’s Bend, so you don’t need to worry about transferring servers. Right now, there’s only three of us, but we just recently started recruiting. If you’d like to know more, you can look at our page on Guildex (http://gw2.guildex.org/view-guild/4670) or contact me in-game via whisper or mail.
Best of luck,