*LF Guild in Sea of Sorrows. PVX*

*LF Guild in Sea of Sorrows. PVX*

in Looking for...

Posted by: NOObCannON.7043


Looking for a guild to party up with in the Sea of Sorrows server. I’m a brand new player with a level 10 necromancer, and tend to play mostly PVE, although PVP is fun too. I have yet to actually party up with anybody, whats up with that?

Is this the best way to look for a guild? any other sites or methods to suggest?

*LF Guild in Sea of Sorrows. PVX*

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sisho.5431


Well there is always http://gw2.guildex.org/

Or you would be more than welcome to join [BIO]. We are a mid-sized Sea of Sorrows guild that plays all different content and have groups doing most of the stuff regularly. We have recruited quite a few brand new players recently and are always willing to help out when needed. I won’t bore you with all the details, but if you have any questions at all you can PM me in game as Sisho. I’ll be on in about 4-5 hours and I’ll be on for most of tonight! Hope to see you in game!

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows