LF NA BG Meta Dungeon/fractal & WvW guild

LF NA BG Meta Dungeon/fractal & WvW guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Keroro.8401


I’m not too entirely sure how many really good guilds check these, but I figured it’s worth a shot.

I’ve come back from about 1 year 3 month absence from Gw2 and have been back for about 3 months now.

The current guild I am in primarily a social guild that does not have a scheduled times for events or have many people that have the same interests in game as I do. Grant it I do like hanging out with them but ultimately it has caused me to become stunted in my abilities to become a good player.

I am looking for a guild that does disciplined Meta Dungeons/fractals and also has a presence in WvW. Because I am looking for a guild with a WvW presence I will be needing a guild on Blackgate.

I have experience on both War and Guard in Meta dungeons and fractals (I have to admit these are probably not quality runs, and I am eager to improve).

I am lacking on the WvW side but am willing to learn and commit time to it.

I am looking for a guild that has structure and members that are disciplined but able to relax and not be rage quitting or throwing temper tantrums when things go wrong.

To those who are considering me, thank-you and I hope that I can meet your expectations and perhaps become an asset to your guild.