Hey Trerdunth,
You might want to check out Remnants of Hope as what you’re looking for sounds a lot like us. We are a PvX guild with a very active community that host a wide variety of events throughout the day. For all the details, you can see our recruitment post here:
However, instead of repeating what we have there, you probably want to know what makes us different from other guilds. Here are, what I believe to be, the 3 most distinct points about our guild:
1 ) We have a much more thorough application process than a lot of other social guilds. After submitting an application, members are accepted into a trial period of two weeks. During this phase, we ask trial members to complete requirements that basically involve being involved in our community (post on our forums, attend at least 2 events, etc.). After this, we hold a brief interview with the trial member before having them voted in as a full member.
While this sounds like a lot, it’s a lot like the dailies in GW2 in that you’ll complete all of this seamlessly if you’re working to become a part of our community. The end result is that this ensures all new members are thoroughly welcomed and brought into our family (ensuring that no new face is lost in the cracks), and also fosters an active, friendly community for everyone that joins us.
2 ) We are a cross-gaming guild and that’s a good thing (at least in our case)! A lot of people are skeptical of cross-gaming guilds, for good reason. This can at times lead to guilds that are fragmented and without a cohesive community. However, we actively work to keep both sides of the guild engaged with each other. This is done by cross-guild events, such as writing contests, forum roleplay, Pictionary night, and karaoke night to name a few. There is also a lot of crossover with guild members that play both games (such as our late night SWTOR players who level with us in GW2). Finally, this is also done by our interaction on our forums, which brings me to the 3rd point:
3 ) We have very active forums. Whether you like serious GW2 discussions, forum roleplay, talk about gaming, or to simply join in forum games, there is always an active topic. Because of this, we maintain a close-knit community, even when players are on vacation or are playing a different game.
Anyways, if you haven’t yet, stop by our forums and check us out. If you have any other questions, feel free to give me a PM here or in game. =)