LF PvX Maguuma Guild (NA EST, Semi-H/C)

LF PvX Maguuma Guild (NA EST, Semi-H/C)

in Looking for...

Posted by: TylerB.7294


Well, I think I’ve finally given up on Aion. So I’m dusting off my GW2 account. Level 80 Guardian S1&2 complete. Decent skill, decent gear, spend 45% of my time in PvP, 45% in PvE and 10% in WvW, although, I would like to spend more time in WvW if I had a good group to roll with.

I can/will play any roll as Guardian, I love it, I’m tinkering with other toons, I played Necro on Closed Beta, so I might tinker more with that, I loved being a Minion Master.

Looking for a big, easy going, fun guild, especially active during weekdays, IGN is Mashedpotatoes. Hit me up.

LF PvX Maguuma Guild (NA EST, Semi-H/C)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

Hey Tyler!

Thanks to the mega server players can easily play across servers. I run a guild extremely close to what you are looking for, but we are on TC. We have several members from other servers and I’d love for you to give us a try. If you end up liking us we could always help you transfer in the future

Dragon Empire Alliance

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]