LF Real Guild. [Currently Ehmry Bay]

LF Real Guild. [Currently Ehmry Bay]

in Looking for...

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364



I’m looking for active guild. Like everyone says, I’m looking for dungeons, guild missions, wvw, pvp, etc, etc. Looking for experienced pvp / team based guild.

-Solely experienced, ranger character.
-PvP (155 played/103 won), (5 tournaments /3 won)
-WvW (Rank 15)
-Full representation
-Willing to move servers
-Mumble (No mic)

Keep moving if…
-Pug guild
-Your leader isn’t level 80
-Your chat consists of associates who can’t spell or type a correct sentence.

Mail me or respond via forum,

United Chi (UnitedChaos.8364)

Add “United Chi” to your friends list or guild!

LF Real Guild. [Currently Ehmry Bay]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179


Register and shop around a bit. You shouldn’t have to be searching on this forum when we boast the largest online server community in the game with plenty of active guilds to choose from.

Also, download Teamspeak if you plan on being part of any guild that has any relevance whatsoever in our server’s WvW efforts. Every single WvW guild and commander worth his/her/its salt has already made the move to our public Teamspeak server, and more are joining every week.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

LF Real Guild. [Currently Ehmry Bay]

in Looking for...

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


Please only recruiting guilds post. If Ehmry has guilds that want me, they know where to find me.

Add “United Chi” to your friends list or guild!

LF Real Guild. [Currently Ehmry Bay]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vexia.6538


Faux lol its like your trying to sell a car, this person is clearly looking for a Guild.
Not to join the community.

Also no offense to the community teamspeak and all that but it’s like too many chief’s and not enough indian’s.

Long windy meetings about nothing special.

Come to Crystal Desert, be apart of something real not the illusion of what your looking for.

As for my guild -flexes writing tools of destruction-

500 Members
Everyone must Represent
Every month we test for Activity to make space for more active players
We do group Spvp. Tpvp / Our own Guild Room for Server Browser.
WvWvW Reset night and maybe a few other times during the week if we feel up to it.
Temple unlock once a week.
Guild group Dungeon runs.
We do use Teamspeak we have our own for the guild.
Website address: www.pure-awesomeness.com
All Guild Missions Active and Available we do them twice a week. check the website for times.
We do look for friendly active members.