LF SUBS - Pixel Slayers NA tPvP

LF SUBS - Pixel Slayers NA tPvP

in Looking for...

Posted by: Billionaire.5607


We are Pixel Slayers (NA) a team focused on structured pvp (Arena). We already have our core 5 players on the team, however there has been times when not all 5 of us are able to make matches. We are looking for at least 2 subs that can fill in. We do Academy Gaming every week. (Have been doing it for months now). We hope to graduate to ESLs after we improve as a team.

-Rank: 50+
-Have TS, Mic, and comfortable speaking
-NA Account
-Able to play Academy Gaming amateur tourny every monday @ 7:30 PM
-Can make practices
-Willingness to take feedback and implement changes
-Calm attitude

If you meet these requirements and are interested please message/mail me or surrge in game:

Note: Please include your rank and the 2 profession you feel comfortable playing with.

My IGN: Billionaire.5607
Surrge: Surrge.3214


twitch: www.twitch.tv/gamblerbihz
5k Hours Played over last 1.1k days – “I love this game”

LF SUBS - Pixel Slayers NA tPvP

in Looking for...

Posted by: Billionaire.5607


…..bumpity bumpppppps

twitch: www.twitch.tv/gamblerbihz
5k Hours Played over last 1.1k days – “I love this game”