LF Social PvE Guild, new player

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: xxfirefoxxy.1824


Hi there,

When I say new, I have been playing GW2 on and off since launch but never put a lot of time into it. I’ve spent so long switching between professions and such that I never got past level 20, and I still feel like a newbie in the game. I love MMOs and got to end-game content in other games, as I hope to do in GW2 now. I’ve locked in my favourite character to play (D/D Elementalist) and am slowly leveling through questing and storylines.

However, I feel that it is not the same experience without having friends or a guild to socialise with while playing, to complete maps or quests with. It’s quite a fun but lonely experience at the moment so I would love to join a social PvE guild (PvP has never been my thing). I also keep being asked to join guilds in-game and would like to represent a guild so that this hopefully stops.

So what I’m looking for is a friendly guild with social people who don’t mind jumping into a party with a newbie, and perhaps don’t mind answering some newb questions along the way. Otherwise back to my exploring I go. I’m currently on the Ruins of Surmia world but do not mind transferring my character.


LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Drakenvold.9761


hi there
we would like to count you in our ranks,see our site and forum and apply when you can,PM me here or in game to Balor O Suilamhain ,we have site/forum and ventrillo/skype and daily fractal runs and weekend guild bounty,we are the answer to the trend in the guilds now where your level and gear count more than you do,we are in Ring of Fire

For the vanguard


LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Hiya, FireFoxxy~ D/D Ele can be a lot of fun, I’ve heard, although I ended up going staff with my ele. The AoE stuff was just too enticing.

Anyway! The game is definitely more fun with guildmates to do things with. We’d love to have you check us out — we’re Remnants of Hope, and that link has our full recruitment information.

We do regular dungeon and exploration events, and we also host leveling parties so lower-level characters can have fun running around together. Plus, we love new people. No, seriously. We’ve got lots of people who enjoy sharing their thoughts about professions, good places to earn gold, etc., and we’re open to hearing thoughts from others, too.

We’re on Tarnished Coast, so if you want to give us a try, hopefully you’d be able to transfer. If you have any questions, you can feel free to message me in game (Aidyn.9783) or check out the recruitment info in the link above. And if you’re ready to fill out an application, you can head over to our forums. And whatever you choose, I hope you find the right guild for you. =)

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: kiwipearls.5237


Hi there, you might like our guild.

We are on Sea of Sorrows, and can let you try us out before transferring servers.

Senility aims to be a multi-gaming casual guild for the adult gamer. We all lead busy lives with our work and family commitments – that at the end of the day we want a stable and competitive guild, without the fear of being dismissed or berated for prioritising our real life responsibilities over those of MMo’s and gaming in general.

Senility is not a hard-core guild. We are tailored to the working adult and/or parent who cannot afford to spend countless hours on an MMO when life’s priorities demand our attention. Senility offers an adult community that specialises in casual play for adults who want to enjoy MMO’s without the pressures and time demands that other guilds sometimes inadvertently place on their members.

We are not about the race, we enjoy the journey and adventures getting there.


LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: myenchantedlife.3729


Hi Fire,

I was wondering, what time zone are you in?

Thanks and good luck,


Vellerana, Guild Leader
Hedonism on Ferguson’s Crossing
Web Site: http://hedo.guildportal.com

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Oathbound.9054


If you are looking for a guild on Sanctum of Rall – you might want to check out Legends of Atari. It sounds like we might just be what you’re looking for.

Legends of Atari [LOA] is a casual PvX guild on Sanctum of Rall. We are a small, active guild of both older and younger gamers looking to experience everything GW2 has to offer. We frequently run WvW and PVE events. We’re currently looking to increase our membership so that we can grow guild influence and run more guild events.

We’ve got a very friendly atmosphere that anyone looking for a guild will enjoy. We are also very novice friendly, with a number of experienced players who are willing to help out newer players. We have our own forums and teamspeak.

If this sounds interesting to you – just jump onto our forums (http://legendsofatari.enjin.com/forum ) and introduce yourself! You can also send a note to myself or one of our officers if you have any questions or would like an invite:


LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeingBlue.8453


You may enjoy our guild. We are a growing multi-gaming community. We strive to utilize our site for helping players & sharing information. We communicate via Mumble, we also like to use the Overwolf overlay and communicate across multiple games via Enjin chat. We try to keep our community full of mature players by screening applicants before being allowed in our mumble.

We are looking for new and experienced players. We enjoy helping new members get comfortable in Guild Wars 2 and are looking for experienced Officers who can help. We also support Twitch streamers and are always looking for more. Our current streamers do giveways.

A sPvP & tPvP team is in the works. I personally would like to find someone who can to lead such a team. We are also starting to ramp up our dungeon activity and guild missions. We already participate in WvW, but we’re looking at getting more players involved.

Our goal is to become active around the clock. Our home server is located on Stormbluff Isles. If you have all low level characters you can delete them to transfer for free or simple guest if you aren’t interested in WvW.

If you are interested swing by our website and drop an application at http://greatarchitect.enjin.com

Thank you,

Great Architect | Casual PvX [WvW, sPvP, Dungeons, World Bosses, Living Story]
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rits.4036


Hiya foxxy!

D/D ele is extremely fun so I think you’ll have a blast leveling! UM is a social PvX guild and we take a pride in helping each other out – always willing to do dungeons that we’ve already done, even story. We have a blast watching guildies grow in the game and socializing while having fun so I think you’d make a good fit in our guild! I’ll post our guild blurb and let you find out more about us that way.

Good luck in your search and thank you for reading!

Who We Are
The Unholy Mackerels is medium sized guild with 65 members, consisting of mostly NA members. We have a wide variety of members ranging from 18 to 40, males and females alike, that enjoys everything GW has to offer while in the social atmosphere of the guild. With leadership and officer roles filled with males and females, each bringing something different to the table to provide you with a stress free and friend filled environment. Not only does our leadership provide these things but our members too! We strongly believe that every person in our guild makes it the amazingly strong and fun guild that it is today. Something to be proud to be a part of!

From the time you join UM you will right away be treated as if you have been a part of this family forever. All that we ask of you is to return the same respect back to any and every member of the guild, a want to form friendships through casual socialization, and enjoy a good joke or two. Pretty easy!

What We Do
We do it all. We are a PvX guild that runs weekly scheduled WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Treks,Guild Bounties, Guild Rush and Guild Challenge (very soon). Members of “Regular” rank are granted abilities to schedule events too to ensure the guild is having fun the way it’s members want to! Also we take part in spvp, world bosses, leveling, map completion, achievements, and any other goal progression. On top of that, we provide FUN events!! Guild chat trivia, rat race, darts, hide-n-seek, movie night, drinking games, and more… all with prizes! There is always something going on daily with The Unholy Mackerels, typically anytime between 6PM-1AM Eastern.

What Server We Are On
You can find us on the Fort Aspenwood server. A tier 2 server for WvW, has quite a busy PvE population in maps, it’s own friendly community forums for all things GW2, it’s own community teamspeak where everyone is welcome, and a server that enjoys working together through good communication while playing to have fun.

What if I’m not on FA?
No fear! UM allows recruits to guest for up to a month in order to help everyone to have time to gather in game gold or irl money in order to transfer. Our staff and members are also more than willing to help by running events to help out! With all the events we run it is very easy to make the money to transfer in as little as a week.

How to Join Us!
Take a look around on our website to see more about us and our events we run and click “Join” to fill out our simple and easy app. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us, we would definitely be happy to answer!

GM: Rits.4036 or Slipstream.6405
Officers: Jinxey.4173 Mcambre.9314 Hellfire.3591 Xtrama.6983


Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Specs.2195


Hellos! One of the most important aspects of this game (or any in particular) is that you know what you want to do. I had trouble nailing down which class was my favorite and like you, had a bunch of characters getting worked on before I was able to finally make up my mind.

If you still need a guild, my guild would be happy to have you apply for membership. We are Binary Alliance, a small / medium sized guild on Crystal Desert. You don’t have to be on our server to join and we can help defray costs if you want to eventually transfer over. We are a very social, PvE-based, casual guild with most of our members representing NA eastern time zone. We have a website/forum, TS, FB group, weekly events, guild meeting on Monday night, contests, etc. Our guild prides itself on the community we build and we welcome players of all skill levels.

For more info:

Our recruitment post on this forum:

There is no signature here.

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: daibaby.7159


Hey Foxxy! I know you have a few options already, but maybe you’d like to give Ardent Brotherhood a shot! We’re a Tarnish Coast guild, but you needn’t be on the same server unless you want. We’re rather small at the moment with just a handful of people on at a time, but we’re looking to expand. Our focus is socializing, something it seems that you could really use. I remember how lonely and boring the game seemed when I was by myself. At the Brotherhood, we’re always up for a good conversation, and we love running dungeons and fractals when we can. We even have a few elementalists that I’m sure would love offering you tips, if you need any!

If you’re interested or have questions, feel free to contact us! We’d love to hear from you.


LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: LLunatic.5280


Hey FireFoxxy, im curious. You say you are on Ruins of Surmia. Does this mean you play on EU times? I think you could be a great fit for Forbidden but i want to be sure that our playtimes match up

Get back to me

Guild Master Forbidden
Come check us out!

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Polly Wogger.9716

Polly Wogger.9716


Uber Noobz. (NooB)s is a PvE guild on Sorrow’s Furnace looking for new and seasoned players to join our guild.

About us:

NooBs is a recently formed small guild whose founders originated in Guild Wars 1 and have been around since launch.

Our main goal is to relax and have fun with the game, not create a second job for people. Therefore, the guild is easy going and we welcome players of all skill levels, experience, and time spent in game. We have no explicit age requirements, rules, or lengthy application processes. That being said, if you are not comfortable with either a guild that likes joking around or hearing a couple curse words here and there, we may not be the best fit for you.

What we have to offer:

-Currently 45 members and growing, 15-20 of which are active daily. Most of our members are on evening and weekends.

-Dungeon Crawling: We have people able to run any type of dungeon and don’t mind teaching new members including Fractals less than or equal to lvl 20.

-Active Ventrilo: 5-10 people at peak times. Speaking is not required.

-World Boss Events: Daily active world boss participation.

-Guild missions: We run guild bounty training on weekends and waiting on guild bounties to finish building so that our members may enjoy the benefits of guild commendations.

-Experienced leaders: Our leaders and officers are veteran Guild Wars players with multiple max level characters of all races and classes able to answer questions and offer assistance.

And if that lengthy tid bit about our guild didn’t scare you off you can hit us up on our webpage http://noobz.guildportal.com with questions or for recruitment. You can also send a message in-game to myself (Wogger) or one of other other recruiters: Phyxius Animus, Soulreaver the Rizn, CW, Type O Negative, Willow Snap.

LF Social PvE Guild, new player

in Looking for...

Posted by: RainOverPebbles.5276


grins Great name, xxfirefoxxy.

OK, here’s the data for my guild, which is on a North American server:

Roses of the Moonlight Sigil [RoMS].(Sorrow’s Furnace)

In short, we are a casual PvE/PvX guild that emphasizes mature and respectful behavior on the part of our members (though a humorous/crazy streak is encouraged). We’re very laid-back about how people play the game, and don’t throw a fit if someone isn’t decked out in all exotic/ascended items and don’t necessarily know everything in the game. We’re relaxed, we teach, we chat and have fun together. That’s what it’s all about. (As an added bonus, it’s an extremely rare occasion that I have to deal with any sort of guild drama).

We generally do weekly Guild Bounties and WvW, as well as other random (and occaisionally whacky) events thrown in for variety.

At the moment, we have 20-30 people who login and represent RoMS on a daily basis, as well as a couple friendly guilds who we often muster with if not enough players are available for a particular activity. We’re most active in the evenings based on Central time zones, but happy to expand our activity at other times.

For voice, we typically use vent, but mostly only for WvW or sometimes dungeons. (Speaking is not required) Please be aware that RoMS does have an application that it requires for new members, to ensure that we get people who fit the guild’s philosophy. Additionally, the guild is PG/Family-friendly, and no swearing or explicit content is allowed.

If you have any questions, or would like to apply to join, please either contact me ingame or visit our website: