(edited by JinxFlux.2386)
LF WvW guild willing to teach a newbie!
Hey! If you’re willing to switch servers, you should check us out! We WvW every night and our guild has been around for 1.5 years and stronger than ever! Plus two of the WvW leadership are also female (including myself) :P Social/community is our guild’s biggest focus!
Hi Jinx. I’m no longer on Eredon Terrace but I can recommend FSÆ http://fsae.forumotion.com/. For WvW, it’ll be a lot easier if you get on voice chat with them. The WvW group runs later at night (starting around 11pm PST).
Hey there! Feel free to read up on WoS. We run WvW daily/nightly/ 48/7
Former Too Kitten [BÆST] leader/founder
[TBT] The Black Tides since ’14
JinxFlux, I would like you to look at Critical Intent [Crit] on Anvil Rock. We are a guild that could be right for you. If you are looking to do a lot of WvW and if you love group play we offer a lot of it. On an average night we do field between 10-15 and we would love to have an extra ranger/guardian.
Please look at the link below.