LF a particular guild...
Hi Tenofas,
Are you completely set on Seafarer’s Rest or Desolation? We are so very close to what you are looking for, but we are on Ferguson’s Crossing.
We have the international roster, our members are generally more mature (I’m 44 and all of the officers are over 26), and we have an active web site and forums and we have real lives.
Some of us have jobs, some have families, some go to school and some do all of the above. We are casual because real life comes first but we also enjoy getting the most from the game.
If you are curious to learn more, our website is at http://hedo.guildportal.com I’d encourage you to start with the Information section on the home page. If you have any questions, feel free to message me here or in game at myenchantedlife.3729
Thanks for reading through my post. I realize it’s a bit of a long shot but, if you don’t find what you want on Seafarer’s or Desolation, I think we would be a good fit for you.
All the best,
Hello sir, please take a look at our recruitment post found here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/TC-VanquishCasually-Hardcore-Older-Gamers/first#post2783097
And our website found here: www.vanquishtoday.guildportal.com
I am at work at the moment so not much time to chat = ) However, I think you will be surprised to find a guild meeting your exact requests… Older gamers, play hard with the time we have in game, no drama, no pressure and a foundation built on cohesion. We are on Tarnished Coast however, perhaps that would be ok with you though.
Let me know what you think and regardless I wish you all the best!
Oakos, Leader of Vanquish
Hi Tenofas
We’re not on the Desolation and also not on Seafarers Rest and we’re no adults with wife/husband and children. But we’re looking for a qualitative teamplay and we’re online casual as you are (around 7-10pm CEST)
We use a TS3 and no forum. We also never decide what we do tomorrow evening but we take it spontaneously.
What has to be said is that we’re small and in our recruiting phase with few members but that is going to be fixed in time.
though, if you decide to join us we’re happy but if not we’re not mad either.
last thing to say. We’re called The Technical Engineers [XOR] and are located on Far Shiverpeaks
Just write me a PM (in-game or not) to get invite or explicit information
regards Troopa
veteran engineer – Whiteclaw Pete – flaming bastard
veteran guardian – Wolfborn Troopa – healing eagle
Hi Tenofas,
I would like to share with you about the PMS Clan (Pandora’s Mighty Soliders)
Our recruitment page is here (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/Yak-s-Bend-PMS-is-Recruiting-US-SEA-Players/first#post2785956)
Alternatively, you can check us out at our tumblr
if you have any questions, do hit us up in game, on the forums or just PM me
PMS|H2O Guild Wars 2 Division Co-Leader