LF a smaller, PvX guild

LF a smaller, PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Atek.5943


Looking to join a smaller guild that doesn’t use any voice chat to have people to team up with regularly. I play a lot but wouldn’t consider myself hardcore.

LF a smaller, PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Centurion.7296


Seeing that you want a PvX guild, do state which server you are on unless you would transfer to the guild’s server, then do state that aswell.

LF a smaller, PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: foxinabox.5296


PvX doesn’t mean you need to be on the same server, unless the PvP you are looking to do is WvW.

[ATRS] Gaming is recruiting, we’re a currently small casual, PvX guild with 25 people, but we aren’t looking to do any WvW (yet). We help people out with questions they may have, world events, PvP, trying to get more members to 80 for fractals and the like. We do have an application process to join, but we do not require the use of voice chat if you don’t want to. Please check out our profile!


LF a smaller, PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alex.8230


Hello there, You would be a great addition to Synmortalis!

We are a newly formed guild made up of several veteran players, which have decided to start over, and experience the new guild halls from scratch. We currently have the Lost Precipice guild hall with several unlocks unlocked.

The guild is very active and we do pretty much all the game has to offer, as you want a PvX guild I think you would fit right in!

If you have any questions, feel free to message me here or ingame or check our recruitment post.


Thanks and have fun.

Xela Ross
[SYN] Synmortalis
EU Seafarers Rest

LF a smaller, PvX guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tkkaine.9437


Hi~! Please check Haven Community out!

Haven Community is a PvX Guild that has been around since day one of the game. We were a smaller tight nit group for a long time and for most of the beginning of the game. We are a mix of old and new players and have quite a few players who are very knowledgeable with the game and its mechanics.

We do use a voice chat (discord) but by no means is it necessary. We’re very active in guild chat as well

Feel free to message me or any officer for any information!

Check out our post: