LF active australian guild (which server ?)

LF active australian guild (which server ?)

in Looking for...

Posted by: chess.5618


Hi guys,
I am living in australia and playing GW2 for couple of month on a EU server.
I am tiered to struggle to find party and guild so i am looking for a active guild in an oceanic “unofficial setver”.
I understand that sea of sorrow or isle of janthir seems to be the place to be for oveanic player.
So i am looking for a active guild and happy to change server for group, dungeon and any social event. I will gladly be involved. I usually do PVE but happy to be introduced to PvP ( never done it before)

I am usually playing at evenings and WE. I have a warrior level 80 and intend to devellop a second character as soon as i found a new home.
Looking forward to it

LF active australian guild (which server ?)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


If you’re considering Sea of Sorrows, there are a number of mostly-Oceanic PvE guilds that would probably be happy to welcome you – AUNZ, AUST, FIRE, etc. There are also a number of more PvX-orientated guilds, such as TS, HLX, AoA, etc. Additionally, there are obviously also a number of international guilds that have decent Oceanic bases too (my own guild included, but I’ll take my own guild hat off for this one).

If it’s something you’d be interested in, I can sit down and put you in touch with some of the recruiters from guilds that might fit your needs. That way, you can at least hear what they have to say and see if the world sounds like a good fit for you – it’s not really the easiest thing to judge with the region barrier preventing you from just guesting over and seeing what it’s like for yourself.

Sea of Sorrows

LF active australian guild (which server ?)

in Looking for...

Posted by: chess.5618


Thanks mate,
Really apreciated
I will transfer to sea of sorrow anyway, just preparing a “new home”
To be honnest I am more looking for a guild for PVE event, to group and raid dungeon for instance,
But i am not against doing Pvp.
I just want to be part of a guild with the same time zone or with a pool of player i can play with
What I’m looking for
• Active guild
• decent sized (100 at minimum if possible)
• timely event
. Dungeon raid

I am pretty active and will gladly take role if needed

If you know the person I have to contact will be great

LF active australian guild (which server ?)

in Looking for...

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Equinox Solstice [TIME] is an established semi-hardcore PvX guild formed on 18-February-2013, based in Crystal Desert that aims to foster interest in all aspect of the game (sPvP, WvWvW and PvE), seeking for players that are fun-loving, outgoing and self-motivated.

In additional, we are an international guild with significant number of players online during both NA and ASIA/AU/NZ prime hours. Finally, we do have a few AZ players within the guild. Also, OCAU aka Overclocker Australia community has their guild in Crystal Desert as well.

For details, please visit https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/Crystal-Desert-Equinox-Solstice-TIME-1

If interested, drop me an mail or PMs.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

LF active australian guild (which server ?)

in Looking for...

Posted by: chess.5618


Hi guys,
I jsut moved to sea of sorrow
so happy yo join a decent size (100 people) guild australia based there

LF active australian guild (which server ?)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Captian.9182
